In our rapidly evolving digital world, information security is essential for protecting national public interests, especially in an environment of continuous technological innovation and global competition. But while secrecy and security are important, history shows us that often whistleblowers are essential to ensuring an open, fair and secure society. If transparency and freedom of information are paramount in democratic societies, it is necessary to have guidelines not only for openness, but also for the security of our societies.
Dr. Martin-Bariteau’s project will develop a framework for analyzing Canadian law in order to reconcile the need for protection of confidential information and the protection of public interest disclosures made by whistleblowers who act to alert the public. Despite the importance of these issues, there has been a general lack of academic research on the subject. Dr. Martin-Bariteau’s project will help to enlighten decision-makers and the general public to create more effective protection regimes and contribute to access to justice for potential future whistleblowers.
SSHRC’s Insight Development Grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas.
Congratulations to Dr. Martin-Bariteau!