The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is delighted to announce the publication by Palgrave Macmillan Cham of Copyright and Tertiary Education Regimes in Ethiopia: Exploring Interfaces for Human Development by Dr. Sileshi Bedasie Hirko, a PhD graduate and former postdoctoral fellow with Open AIR.
Re-affirming the contributions and complementarities of development-oriented copyright and tertiary education regimes, the book examines the instrumental roles of relevant copyright-related flexibilities to facilitate access to knowledge required for further creative works and advanced education. In its exploration, the book critiques the undue emphasis on the ubiquitous but impoverished depth and reach of economic growth and the consequent neglect of the richer notion of human development as the enlargement of human capabilities. Underscoring the notion of human development as a central and overarching objective, the book calls for rethinking the existing copyright and tertiary education regimes as indispensable instruments of human capabilities that are crucial for human development.
Filling a gap in the existing studies, this book further underlines the potential of the framework of the CA to both explore and reframe the relevant national copyright-related flexibilities in a manner that facilitates better access to knowledge. In order to address the deficits, the book recommends the introduction of context-driven and development-oriented reform measures in the copyright and educational regimes to re-direct the regimes towards sustainable human development.
The book is available for order and in open access.
The book builds on Dr. Sileshi Bedasie Hirko’s doctoral work at the Centre for Law, Technology and Society that enormously benefitted from funding from the Open African Innovation Research Network (Open AIR) and the Centre for International Governance Innovation.
The book includes a forward by Prof. Jeremy de Beer, a CLTS Faculty member.