Two New Blogs from the Changing Orders Project Address the Strained Work of IGOs and the Need for Due Diligence Legislation in Canada

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

Human Rights Research and Education Centre
Research affiliations and partnerships

The Changing Orders Project is a joint initiative led by the University of Ottawa’s Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC), the Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS), the Institute for Science, Society and Policy (ISSP), and The Refugee Hub. Collectively, they are furthering understandings of the national and global dynamics that underlie contemporary governance challenges and advancing policy solutions to address secure durable democracies and multilateral cooperation in the face of political and technological change and to ensure human rights protections that stem from challenges to the rules-based international order.

As part of these efforts, a series of blog posts, addressing disparate international challenges each shaped by changing global currents, have been published as part of the well-read CIPS Blog. Read HRREC Director & Neuberger-Jesin Professor John Packer’s article about how global shifts are straining the work of IGOs. And read Alex Trebek Postdoctoral Fellow David Hughes’s article about the need for mandatory due diligence legislation in Canada.