Visit the VIRTUAL GALLERYshowcasing all the wonderful artwork submitted for the second edition of the initiative IMAGES OF JUSTICE: Children & Human Rights!
The second edition of this initiative exhibits satirical and critical cartoons on the rights of the child, their freedoms, as well as various political, social, and legal issues, be it private or public, domestic/national or international, with which children, families, and their advocates grapple across the world.

The jury members had selected ten works from among all those submitted. We have held an online vote until January 10, 2021
We are delighted to announce that the grand prize winner of the 2nd Edition of the initiative Images of Justice is Walter TOSCANO from Peru! Congratulations!
The Human Rights Research and Education Centre is a proud partner of this initiative, with CONTEKST, the Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child - IRLRC (Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, University of Ottawa), the School of Child and Youth Care (Faculty of Community Services, Ryerson University), and the Canadian Journal of Children's Rights (Landon Pearson Resource Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children's Rights).