Visiting researcher Shabnam Salehi received a DVF award

By University of Ottawa

Human Rights Research and Education Centre, HRREC

Awards and recognition
Human rights
Shabnam Saheli
In September 2022, the Diane von Furstenberg and The Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation held the 13th edition of the DVF Awards.

The DVF Awards were created in 2010 “to recognize and support extraordinary women who are dedicated to transforming the lives of other women; women who have had the courage to fight, the power to survive, and the leadership to inspire”.

The International DVF Award was given to Women in Afghanistan. Ten Afghan women “who are shining a light from all over the world to ensure a safe and sustainable future for the most at-risk Afghan women and girls” received this award.

Among the group, our visiting researcher, Shabnam Salehi, a prominent women's rights activist from Afghanistan, was recognized.

Shabnam is currently hosted in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA) at the University of Ottawa. She came to our institution through the Scholars at Risk (SAR) uOttawa Program managed by the HRREC. She is the former Commissioner and Head of the Afghan Women’s rights Promotion and Protection Unit, and she is continuing her advocacy work for women's rights in Afghanistan by supporting monitoring and evaluating efforts.

We congratulate Shabnam for this important recognition!