Research internship or field work outside Canada provides an international dimension to the educational experience of PhD students, but also deepens the student’s connections internationally and promotes the exchange of resources, expertise and opportunities.

PhD Student International Research Scholarship – Graduate Studies

The PhD student international research scholarship supports PhD candidates who are enrolled in the 2nd year of their PhD program and beyond to conduct research abroad for at least one term.


$4,000 (non-renewable)


Two competitions per year March 1st and October 1st.

Eligibility Criteria

The applicant must:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person [under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protections Act (Canada)] or international (visa) student;
  • Be registered as a full-time student and have completed at least one year of studies or more of a PhD program at the University of Ottawa at the proposed time of travel; and have maintained a satisfactory academic progress.


  • The research must be undertaken outside Canada.
  • Conducting research in the student’s country of origin will generally not be financed unless the student demonstrates that their research absolutely requires their presence in that country.
  • Students enrolled in a cotutelle program before May 2023 are not eligible for this scholarship, as they are eligible to receive the cotutelle scholarship. Please note that due to the abolition of the cotutelle scholarship, students admitted to a cotutelle program (with the University of Ottawa as home university) as of May 2023 will be eligible for the international research scholarship. 
  • The application must be submitted before travelling.
  • Outgoing international has resumed for the University community. It is important for travellers to take the time to identify and mitigate travel risks including those related to COVID-19. Please visit the uOInternational travel safety website for pre-departure planning and procedures. Students are required to:
    • Complete a pre-departure training
    • Register University trips abroad
    • Obtain approval if travelling to higher-risk locations

Applications must be made through the Online Scholarships and Bursaries portal, which can be accessed through the uoZone portal, and must include:

  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae uploaded;
  • A non-official copy of the academic transcript;
  • A recommendation letter from the uOttawa academic supervisor;
  • If applicable, an invitation letter from the host professor or researcher at the proposed foreign academic or research-focused institution (including their contact information, the research location and the start and end dates of the stay abroad). If you are unable to provide an invitation letter from the host researcher, your academic supervisor must provide the details of your stay abroad.
  • A one-page description of the research project and of the scholarly activities to be conducted at the foreign institution (objectives, methodology, expected outcomes and proposed timeline);
  • A clear and detailed budget indicating the costs associated with the proposed research stay abroad; and,
  • A one-page summary (maximum) report of the research abroad (results, outcomes, challenges) to be submitted one month from return to the Office of the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies by e-mail at [email protected].

Selection Criteria 

Applications are evaluated by the Selection Committee according to the following criteria:

  • The quality and feasibility of the research project and activities to be conducted in the foreign jurisdiction;
  • The relevance and integration of the research project and activities in relation to the student’s thesis; and,
  • The student's academic excellence.

* The information on this page is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment from the University of Ottawa.