2022-23 Michaëlle Jean Community Engagement Awards

Community engagement
community engagement
Each academic year, Community Engagement highlights the exceptional contributions of particular students, professors, and community partners participating in our Community Engagement programs. These prizes recognize the contributions of individuals and community partners who are committed to making the programs a success for all. A five-person selection committee, comprising students, professors, and community partners, selects the recipients.

2022-23 Award Winners


Audrey Sigouin

Audrey Sigouin profile
Audrey Sigouin, a third-year student in the Lettres françaises program.

Audrey Sigouin, a third-year student in the Lettres françaises program, is the recipient of a Community Engagement Award for her outstanding contributions as a student volunteer. Participating in the Community Service Learning (CSL) program, she gained hands-on experience and discovered an environment she’s passionate about, thus creating appealing future career and personal opportunities for herself. She discovered that theory learned in class can be different from practice, and her skills and talents were appreciated, giving her confidence for her future endeavours. For Audrey, community engagement is having both feet in the real world and seeing how the skills and talents developed in school can be useful on a larger scale. It’s forging links with people whom she probably would never have met and creating her own very attractive personal and professional options for the future!

“I was really able to discover an environment I was passionate about that gave me a glimpse of interesting possibilities for my future. Possibilities I didn’t even know existed or I hadn’t seriously considered before.”

Andrea Wong

Andrea Wong profile
Andrea Wong, a fourth-year Honours BA student in geography with a minor in environmental studies (bilingual).

Andrea Wong, a fourth-year Honours BA student in geography with a minor in environmental studies (bilingual),  performed a Community Service Learning (CSL) placement in her globalization and research methods courses, volunteering for the International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization. With the guidance of her professors and the Community Engagement office, Andrea was able to gain knowledge and experience, while also contributing to the organization’s work. This placement showed her the impact of even seemingly small contributions and the importance of time management in a real-world setting.

For Andrea, community engagement means getting involved, learning about the community and contributing to positive change. “In my placement, I was also able to see the work of international researchers and academics from Canada, China and Africa, which allowed me to learn about global views on urbanization,” she says. “In a way, this expanded my own perspectives, pushing me to study things from different angles.”


Professor Sarah Fraser profile
Professor Sarah Fraser of the Community Service Learning (CSL).

Professor Sarah Fraser integrated the Community Service Learning (CSL) program in her Experiences of illness, Impairment and disability course (HSS 3103A) during the Winter 2023 semester, to provide her students with hands-on experiences and break down stereotypes and prejudices surrounding people with disabilities. She created a safe, inclusive environment where her students felt comfortable sharing their experiences and stories. By participating in CSL, students gained an understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and developed a sense of community and social responsibility. Professor Fraser’s efforts in integrating CSL in her course have had a profound impact on her students’ lives and on the community at large.

Community Partner

International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Development (ICCCASU).

International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Development (ICCCASU).

ICCCASU is an international think tank that brings together researchers, academics, government and industry to discuss sustainable urbanization and promote implementation of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the 2016 New Urban Agenda. The organization is run by volunteers, many of whom are university students. Their involvement has been essential in organizing conferences, conducting research, creating content and performing outreach through social media. ICCCASU provides students with tailored opportunities, mentorship, workshops, exposure to diverse perspectives, networking and leadership roles to improve their experience. Student involvement has benefitted ICCCASU and the organization has, in turn, equipped students with the skills and knowledge they need for their future careers.