Pathy Foundation Fellow: Jamal

Community engagement
Community engagement student profile Jamal
Find out how Jamal will be developing a formal network of black and indigenous activists thanks to the Pathy foundation fellowship.

The Pathy Foundation Fellowship provides community-focused experiential learning opportunities for graduating students who want to become effective change-makers by bringing new ideas and working closely with communities to foster sustainable and positive social change in Canada and abroad.

This year, a student from the University of Ottawa has been selected by the Pathy Foundation and has received funding for his project. With these funds, Jamal Koulmiye-Boyce will be able to affect real change in communities that are important to him.

Jamal Koulmiye-Boyce is a fifth-year student majoring in Conflict Studies and Human Rights who has always been passionate about community organizing.

Throughout his studies, Jamal has participated in various volunteer placements, within and outside the University, which have allowed him to witness the impact that a network can have on people.

For him, dealing with issues such as racism and anti-indigeneity can make one feel hopeless and lonely if not properly supported and surrounded.

“The more you connect and get to know people, the more you realize how uplifting their work is and it makes you feel stronger.”

As such, he decided to build a formal network of Black and Indigenous activists who are truly committed to anti-racist and decolonial organizing across Ontario.

His project focuses on two main areas. First, to connect and bring together more people who are doing great work toward decolonization and ending anti-Black racism, and second, to make it easier for individuals to connect with their own community if they don't have the opportunity to do so.

“This is something that I wish would’ve existed when I was younger or even today, so I thought why not use this opportunity to make it myself.”

The core belief of this initiative is to sustain these movements by providing structures that encourage and nurture solidarity, collaboration, and community building among Black and Indigenous activists.

“I really do believe that we are all stronger together. If people talk with each other and make sure everyone can be included at the table, that’s a table that is hard to break down because no one is on the outside trying to break it down.”

We wish Jamal the best of luck with his new project. We will follow with interest this beautiful adventure and we know that the impact will be significant.

If you have any questions about this story or how to get involved, email us at [email protected].