Section J - Research

Research Awards, by Granting Council, 2020-21

Research awardsSocial Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada
Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada
Canadian Institutes of 
Health Research 
Number of Awards431670397
Funding ($)$15,755,647$26,926,141$68,848,086

1. SSHRC: 'All Payments by Program Activity 2013-14. Excludes Indirect costs.
2. NSERC: Table 13: Grants and scholarships by university/college. 
3. CIHR: CIHR Funding Database. Funding Type: All (University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research and University of Ottawa Heart Institute)

Sources: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)