Donatille Mujawamariya, PhD, originally from Rwanda, is a full professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. She came to Canada in 1987 to study and has completed two masters and one doctorate in seven years, one in Science Education, the other in Agriculture and Food Science and a doctorate in Science Education. During her studies at Laval University, she was actively involved in student associations. Once at the University of Ottawa, in 1994, as a professor, she has been involved in her association, APUO, for 26 years, first as a member, then as a representative of colleagues from the Faculty of Education on the APUO Board of Directors for 9 years, and as a member of the APUO Executive Committee for four consecutive years. As a member of APUO, she always ensures that she supports her association, APUO, to defend and protect the interests of colleagues vis-à-vis the employer, the University of Ottawa.
Donatille Mujawamariya
