Five ways TLSS technology is fueling teaching and learning in 2022

Information Technology
Teaching and learning is constantly evolving. These five points show what TLSS has implemented to improve the teaching and learning experience.
  1. Optimizing uOttawa classrooms to boost bimodal learning
    To support the transition towards bimodal courses, Teaching and Learning Support Service (TLSS) has renovated and revamped over 200 uOttawa classrooms and learning spaces to optimize simultaneous course delivery for in-person and remote students. Improvements include the addition of built-in cameras, automated volume microphones for professors and the class, simplified touchscreen podiums, and instant integration with Brightspace, Teams and Zoom environments.
  2. Standardizing syllabi
    Replacing the old uOsyllabus system, TLSS has acquired and integrated Simple Syllabus, a cloud-based, template-driven platform. Professors can now create syllabi quickly and efficiently by reusing and integrating previous syllabi elements, while ensuring consistency with uOttawa policies and academic regulations. Syllabi can be embedded directly into Brightspace – creating a single, reliable source – or exported in PDF format.
  3. Supporting academic integrity
    In an increasingly digitized course environment, academic integrity becomes more crucial and more difficult to monitor. Ouriginal is a new tool available to the entire university community. The application not only scans the internet to detect textual and tonal similarities with submitted assignments, but it also compares submissions to previous uOttawa student assignments. Ouriginal has a preventative function as well: students can anonymously verify their work in advance of submission to fix citation issues and improve originality.
  4. Boosting engagement across teaching formats
    Whether teaching in bimodal format, fully remotely, or in person, Wooclap bridges the participation gap and helps professors assess students’ absorption of knowledge. The tool, accessible directly from Brightspace, allows instructors to easily integrate polls, quizzes, games, and exercises into their course delivery.
  5. Creating enriched course materials
    To enrich course material, professors can now easily edit and improve captured videos using the enterprise video tool Yuja. Videos can either be recorded directly from this platform or imported from Zoom and Teams and can be trimmed as needed. Trimming and adding titles are a breeze, as are adding images and audio to enhance your recording.

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