Get to know Adrien Palate

Information Technology
Picture of Adrien Palate IT staff inside a circle on a granate background

Meet Adrien Palate

What was your last career change?  

I have been working as a Senior Business analyst at the University of Ottawa since November 2022. 

What made it successful? 

Living previously in Belgium, I had to conduct interviews remotely, which was not straightforward, especially considering the time zone difference! I believe that the initial contact went well during my interactions with the individuals handling my application. Furthermore, I understood that my strong experience as a business analyst in an IT consulting context, along with my good understanding of agile methodology and its implications, were definite assets when the decision was made to offer me this position at the university.

What was the biggest challenge in adapting to your new role? 

Beyond the role itself, accepting the offer from the University was synonymous with a major upheaval in my life. Taking up my position in 2022 was accompanied by a move across the Atlantic and the discovery of the academic sector, which I had previously only known as a student. It took me a few months to adapt to Canadian culture and the specific context of our IT department, but I believe I managed to acclimate and integrate well!

What advice would you give to someone considering a career change?

Taking the time to read the job description thoroughly and weighing the pros and cons is crucial. Motivations should not be solely financial, as this could lead to long workdays. Lastly, whenever possible, connecting with others in the same role provides valuable feedback on the tasks that will be required.

How can colleagues help someone transition into their new responsibilities?

A new position always comes with a certain level of stress. I believe that colleagues help put things into perspective and offer alternative viewpoints. Remaining open to feedback from others is crucial, even if it’s not always easy to hear. Such feedback helps us improve by highlighting areas for growth that we might not be aware of ourselves.

What ingredient should never be found on a pizza?

At the risk of displeasing my colleagues from Quebec, I hate pineapples on pizzas!

What three items would you bring if you were shipped to a deserted island?

Coca-Cola (my colleagues can confirm that I always have some on my desk), an automobile magazine (because I’m an avid car enthusiast), and a saucepan (because I prefer home-cooked meals).