Get to know Mladen Dekic

Information Technology
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Get to know Mladen Dekic

What was your last career change?

I moved from a uoCampus PeopleSoft Administrator to being a Technical Design Lead using Microsoft Azure Cloud solutions in the new and exciting project of uoDataHub.  

What made it successful?

Working with a great team that supports me in making our project succeed. Also, working for 15 years at the University and in different departments, I have gathered a significant amount of knowledge about the University’s different systems which has helped me build the infrastructure for the uoDataHub project.  

What was the biggest challenge in adapting to your new role? 

I had previous knowledge of cloud infrastructure but not Azure. Getting into creating all the cloud infrastructure from scratch, with a project that is the first of its kind at the University of Ottawa, was a big leap. I had to quickly learn a new technology and adapt to a new set of responsibilities that come with a team leader role.   

What advice would you give to someone considering a career change?

DO IT! We live and work in a world that is constantly changing and evolving. It’s important to evolve continually, to learn new skills and acquire new responsibilities.

What do you look forward to in your day?

A workout or a good run. After sitting for long hours, especially in the IT world, I find that it is very important to stay active and move away from the desk as much as possible when we are not working.  

If you were a chocolate bar, which one would you be?

I would be a Ferrero Rocher.

What ingredient should never be found on a pizza? 

Olives, I know I know, I just don’t like olives . 

What three items would you bring if you were shipped to a deserted island?

A soccer ball, a knife and Rubik's cube.