Dear Graduates,
Congratulations! You did it and we are extremely proud of you. With a sunny fall morning as the backdrop for the November 6th convocation ceremonyat the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, it certainly wasa memorable day, full of emotion. Dean Richard Barwell and numerous professors were on hand,and the audience was packed with friends and family. The roomwas filled with applause, smiles, handshakes, hugs and even some tears of joy as you walked across the stage: Weall beamed with pride for your accomplishments. We hope you took the time to relish this personal triumph, and to thank those in your entourage who supported you during the journey.
Finishing a university degree is a major life milestone and you completed yours during a time of significant global challenges. We encourage you to put into action what youlearned during your years at the University and to share your expertise and talents with a world in urgent need of dedicated professionals.
Now that you are an official Alumni of the University of Ottawa, and part of the worldwide community of Faculty of Education graduates, we look forward to hearing about where your education leads you. Stay in touch. Tell us your story.
From doctoral candidate to PhD graduate
TheFaculty awarded doctoral degrees to over a dozen researchers during this year’s fall convocation ceremony. Earning a PhDis the culmination of many years of demanding scholarly work and an accomplishment of perseverance, creativity and critical thinking.We recognize our newly minted PhDholders for making original contributions to knowledge in the broad field of education and wish them the very best in their future careers.Learn more about their doctoral dissertations on the uO Research portal.
Jean Al Alam
Freddy Bofili
Geneviève Cloutier
Raphaël Gani
Whose Francophone Perspectives? The History, Meanings, Implementation and Legitimacy of an Alberta Social Studies Curriculum Mandate
Alison Mary Goss
Jesse Henneberry
Lisa Howell
Janna Marie JobelA Phenomenological Inquiry into High School Teachers’ Lived Experiences of Social Emotional Learning
Carol Lee
Ziad Maatouk