Femmes et francophones dans l’environnement scientifique
Special activity during the 91st Annual ACFAS Conference
May 15, 2024 — 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
This roundtable will bring together four women speaking about their careers, challenges and pleasure in working as francophone scholars, a duality that can at times present limits. They will discuss the place of French in their scholarly activities, as well as challenges they’ve faced as women balancing the demands of family and career. They will also discuss the possibilities offered by various research grant programs that allow them to continue their scholarly work.
A continental breakfast will be served.
Registration for this free event is required.

Event details
Christine Dallaire, Full Professor and Vice-Dean, Academics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa
She examines sport and physical activity from a socio-cultural perspective, focusing on issues specific to Canadian society, youth and communities.
Ariane Godbout, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Université de Montréal
Her thesis focuses on the citizenship experience of the inhabitants of the city of La Rochelle in the first half of the seventeenth century, namely the ways in which the citizens of the time were able to participate in civic life outside the traditional institutions of political power.
Élise Cossette, Content Designer, Canadian Digital Service, University of Ottawa alumna
After studying geophysics and geology, she became a content designer and translator at Canadian Digital Service. She is a linguist with experience in scientific research and user-oriented writing.
Bénédicte L. Tremblay, Postdoctoral Fellow, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
A trained nutritionist and postdoctoral fellow at UQAC, she is particularly interested in omic technologies, which are fields of study such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics. She is particularly interested in allergic diseases.
- Virginie Hotte-Dupuis, Director of External Relations and Corporate Responsibility at L'Oréal Canada