Please note that all testimonies are provided in the recipients' language of choice.

Excellence in Research Award
The Faculty of Social Sciences’ Excellence in Research Award is granted to a member of the teaching personnel who has earned distinction for his or her unit and Faculty because of the importance and exceptional characteristics of his or her research work.
"I'm honoured to receive this award! This success is also the success of my team of experts with lived experience, students and research professionals. At Open Collaboration for Cognitive Accessibility, we are over 40 people representing neurodiversity. Together, we are improving cognitive accessibility by combining scientific knowledge with real-life experience." Virginie Cobigo, School of Psychology

Award for Activities in the Community Award
The Activities in the Media or the Community Award is presented annually to a member of the teaching staff who has demonstrated outstanding service by sharing his or her expertise through the media or with the community, both locally and nationally.
“I am grateful for this recognition from the Faculty of Social Sciences for my community-based activities. I thank my community partners, the students who have sought out this training and contributed to this work, and colleagues who have seen the value and supported these efforts." John Sylvestre, School of Psychology

Young Researcher Award
The Young Researcher Award is presented annually to a member of the teaching staff who has earned distinction for his or her unit and Faculty as a result of the importance and exceptional characteristics of his or her research work.
"Je suis honorée de recevoir ce prix, surtout vu le niveau élevé de mes collègues. Je le vois comme une reconnaissance de mon travail de chercheuse, mais aussi de mes implications en mobilisations des connaissances dans la société civile et dans les médias. Il me plait de voir que ce travail est de plus en plus reconnu! ", Maïka Sondarjee, School of International Development and Global Studies

Excellence in Teaching Award
The Excellence in Teaching Award is granted to a member of the teaching staff, nominated by his or her peers, who has demonstrated outstanding performance in his or her teaching, in particular in the development of innovative teaching material, courses, and programs of study, and for his or her interpersonal skills.
"I am very honoured to receive this prestigious recognition! I am privileged to have the opportunity to teach and to transmit and transfer knowledge to undergraduate and graduate students in many contexts, like in the classroom and in my laboratory. In each case, my primary goal has been to convey my own zeal for learning. I hope to inspire students to become lifelong learners by being curious and critical thinkers. I also find it important to engage in knowledge transmission and dissemination beyond the classroom and the laboratory, through public lectures and media interviews. Thank you very much for this prestigious award!", Nafissa Ismail, School of Psychology

Administrative Staff Award
The Administrative Staff Award is granted to a member of the administrative staff that has contributed to the betterment of the Faculty and the unit in which he or she works, through his or her initiative, creativity and superior performance.
"C'est un immense honneur pour moi d'accepter ce prix à saveur spéciale considérant la nature collective du processus de nomination. Merci à tous ceux et celles qui ont soumis et appuyés ma candidature pour cette année. Je souhaite sincèrement remercier mes collègues, la direction et surtout ma gestionnaire exceptionnelle pour leur confiance et leur soutien inestimable sur une base quotidienne, sans lesquels cet accomplissement n'aurait jamais été possible. Cette reconnaissance de ma contribution et de mes efforts par mes pairs m'encourage à continuer à fournir un rendement de haute qualité et à évoluer dans un environnement de travail qui favorise la collaboration et l'apport de tous." Bruno Flocari, Intermediate Analyst, Financial Planning and Reporting

Award for Service Excellence
The Award for Service Excellence is granted to a member of the administrative staff to tangibly recognize the importance of quality service excellence in the student experience. The award recognizes the key role that employees play in positions geared toward service.
"It is such an honor to receive this award. I strongly believe that great customer service plays an integral role in the student experience at uO and really makes an impact in how we are perceived as an institution. To be recognized for something that I believe in is very meaningful. Thank you to everyone at the SIDGS who supported my nomination. ", Josée Carbonneau, Senior Officer, Public Administration program, School of Political Studies

Part-time Teacher of Excellence Award
The Excellence in Teaching Award is granted to a member of the teaching staff, nominated by his or her peers, who has demonstrated outstanding performance in his or her teaching, in particular in the development of innovative teaching material, courses, and programs of study, and for his or her interpersonal skills.
"C’est avec un immense honneur que je reçois ce prix et cette reconnaissance de la part des étudiants et de mes collègues. Au fil des années, je ressens une profonde fierté de voir nos diplômés s’épanouir sur le marché du travail. Même après près de quinze ans à l’Université d’Ottawa, je demeure passionné par l’enseignement et enthousiaste à l’idée de rencontrer les nouvelles cohortes d’étudiants en études des conflits et droits humains", Jean-François Ratelle, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

Award for Activities in the Media Award
The Activities in the Media or the Community Award is presented annually to a member of the teaching staff who has demonstrated outstanding service by sharing his or her expertise through the media or with the community, both locally and nationally.
"La guerre en Ukraine a placé la Chaire d’études ukrainiennes de l’Université d’Ottawa sous une pression médiatique qui se poursuit, avec de fortes vagues, depuis deux ans et demi, particulièrement dans les médias francophones. L’expérience d’avoir à résumer et clarifier ma pensée pour un grand public, le plus souvent entre 5 et 7 minutes et sur un sujet en mutation constante, est extraordinaire. Elle m’a permis d’observer de près la profession journalistique, pour qui j’ai le plus grand respect, de faire rayonner l’École d’études politiques, et aussi à l’occasion de placer mes étudiants au devant de la scène. Je remercie la Faculté pour son appui." Dominique Arel, School of Political Studies