Three graduates from the back


Two graduates of the Département de français will discuss their career paths, including the challenges they have faced and the successes they have experienced since graduating. This will be an opportunity for students currently enrolled in one of the Département de français' programs to discover two new career opportunities.

Marianne St-Jacques

Marianne St-Jacques

M.A. Lettres françaises (2011)

Marianne St-Jacques obtained a baccalauréat spécialisé approfondi en lettres françaises avec mineure en histoire (2009) and a maîtrise en Lettres françaises (2011). She has worked in communications in the health field (parapublic organization), as well as in the media (radio, web and television captioning). She is now an intermediate communications and marketing advisor at the University of Ottawa Library.

Camille Labonté

Camille Labonté

B.A. Lettres françaises, mineure en rédaction professionnelle et édition (2022)

Camille Labonté obtained a baccalauréat en Lettres françaises avec mineure en rédaction professionnelle et édition (2022). She is the founder of Jaune – Marketing créatif (communications agency specializing in photo and video content creation, social media management and web writing).

Date and time
Mar 30, 2023
All day
Format and location
Hamelin Hall (MHN)