Small classes, enthusiastic professors, passionate artists and cutting-edge performance spaces and technology are all things you can expect from our dynamic Department of Theatre. Our undergraduate programs offer a solid foundation in history of theatre, theatre analysis and dramaturgy, as well as a practical specialization in performance. During your studies, you will also have access to training in staging, play writing and auditioning for one of our 20 annual plays, most of which include collaborations by professional actors from Ottawa and beyond. Scholarships, French immersion, paid contracts and paid internships are also available to our students.

Program overview
Choose your program
3 years120 units

Honours BA in Theatre
42 units

Major in Theatre
30 units

Minor in Theatre
4 years120 units

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting (BFA)
Welcome to centre stage! From practice to theory, from performance to reception, the Department of Theatre explores all aspects of theatrical events and prepares you for a life of creative expression and intellectual stimulation. We teach acting, directing, playwriting, arts administration, dramaturgy, theatre history, production, technical theatre and design as well as theory and aesthetics. When it comes to practice, opportunities abound: the Department boasts two major theatre companies and three student companies producing up to thirty original productions a season.
More information
- Theatre + Communication
- Theatre + Psychology
- Theatre + English
Scholarships and Bursaries
Our scholarship program is one of the most generous in the country. It rewards not only your pre-university academic achievements, but also your achievements every term of full-time study at University. A scholarship is awarded for academic achievements while a bursary is awarded based on financial need.
Discover our Schorlarships and Bursaries and learn how to apply.

The Department of Theatre
The Department of Theatre at the University of Ottawa is founded on the belief that theatre research and theatre practice can and should exist side by side. Strong theoretical knowledge and sound practical experience influence one another and lead toward greater creative undertakings in whichever facet of theatre students choose.
Learn more about the department.
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Student for a day program
Does the transition to university seem a bit intimidating? For a taste of what to expect, and answers to your questions, try our Student for a Day program!

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