Whether you need help understanding concepts in lectures or want to meet with peers to discuss and prepare for midterms and exams or you are looking for motivation in your study, we have the group for you.

Study group

Do you need help understanding concepts in lectures and want to meet with peers to discuss and prepare for midterms and exams? Or are you feeling confident about the course material and wish to further test your knowledge to see if you are on the right track? If so, join the study groups offered by us, the student mentors at the Faculty of Arts!

The groups will be facilitated by the mentors in an informal and relaxed environment designed for you to connect with your peers. Are study groups tutoring sessions? No, because we do not teach course content but rather help you gain the tools needed to understand it! You will help each other grasp the material, learn effective study methods, and make new friends in the process!

For more information, contact the Student Mentors via email at [email protected].

Winter 2024 (There are no more study groups for the term)


Study Lounge (closed until fall 2024 term)

Looking for a study space on campus? Welcome to our new Faculty of Arts study lounge. Located in Simard (SMD) Hall, Room 123, this safe space is open as of October 30th to all students taking PHI, CMN, ENG or FRA courses — and it’s free.

Why you should study here

  • For access to our expert mentors, who’ll 
    • Give you tips and tricks on acing your midterms and finals
    • Help you with time management
    • Help you organize your class notes
    • And much, much more
  • To study with other students
    • Studying with fellow students is a great way to retain information — bring a friend or two!
    • Share your notes with classmates
    • Create study exercises and practise answering them together

What’s the difference between a study group and the study lounge?

A study group is for a specific course, in most cases, for a specific section. The study lounge is for all students in the discipline (PHI, ENG, FRA and CMN).

Study lounge schedule

Mondays: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Communications - CMN)

Tuesdays: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Philosophy - PHI)

Wednesdays: Closed

Thursdays: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (French — FRA+FRE)

Fridays: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (English - ENG)