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Nebrija: el imperio de las lenguas

A talk on the impact of the first grammar text written by Antonio de Nebrija (1942) on the development of grammar texts for Indigenous languages of the Americas after the Spanish conquest. 

Darío Villanueva

Darío Villanueva

Member of the Real Academia Española / professor emeritus

Dr. Darío Villanueva has been a member of the Real Academia Española since 2007, as well as  professor emeritus at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where he served as dean of the Faculty of Philology (from 1987 to 1990) in addition to teaching literary theory and comparative literature.

He is a corresponding member of the Academia Argentina de Letras, the Academia Nacional de Letras del Uruguay, the Academia Hondureña de la Lengua, the Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española and the Academia Ecuatoguineana de la Lengua Española. He holds honorary doctorates from 14 universities in Argentina, China, the U.S., Peru, the U.K., Sweden, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Spain and Honduras. He is an honorary professor at two universities, in the Dominican Republic and Argentina.

Modern Languages and Literatures
If you require accommodation, please contact the event host as soon as possible.
Date and time
Mar 6, 2023
All day
Format and location
Desmarais Building (DMS)
DMS 12102

For more details

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

For more details please contact Luis Abanto, Chair, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.