Colorfoul ropes tied together

CARFfI activities

Les Chantiers d’Actions et de Recherche pour des Ffrancophonies inclusives (CARFfI) offer you a series of events for the Fall and Winter sessions. Consult the dates below for more information.

The French language school - mixing ideas

Members of the group Chantiers d'Actions et de Recherche pour des Ffrancophonies inclusives (CARFfI) are pleased to invite you to the roundtable discussion ‘L’école de langue française - brasser les idées’, a conversation with three leaders in education. Since the coming into effect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Official Languages Act and Canada's multiculturalism policy, Canadian society has changed—and so have Francophone and Acadian communities. Are the current mandates of French-language schools still relevant? Which elements of the present mandate should be retained, and which should be modified? How can we ensure their implementation in order to build fair and equitable francophone societies in Canada?

Date: September 22, 2022

Time: 6 PM

Registration required

Speakers: (coming soon)

Film screening of an excerpt from 'Briser le code' and roundtable discussion

CARFfIwelcomes you to this GaCran event (Groupe d'action contre le racisme antinoirEs); screening of an excerpt from ‘Briser le code,’ followed by a roundtable discussion. Three experts from the field of education will ask the following questions:  Is there a code in education? What does it take to break the code? For those in the majority, what are the consequences of becoming aware of the codes in place? Is it worth it to break the code or to simply become aware of one's privilege?

Date: October 20, 2022

Time: 6 PM

Registration required


1- A school principal who broke the code (Coming soon)

Allison Gagné

Allison Gagné

Allison Gagné, a teacher mindful of her privilege. She became aware of it as a white teacher when she moved to Madagascar to teach French. She continued to explore this issue in her master's thesis, which focuses on the experiences of successful teacher education placements for sub-Saharan African interns.

Elie Ndala

Elie Ndala

Elie Ndala, a student at the University of Ottawa who broke the code. Ph.D. candidate, Ricard Scholar and teacher by training, Elie Ndala is interested in the social and professional integration of immigrants in francophone contexts as well as the reconstruction of intercultural relations in the educational sphere. He comes from a first-generation immigrant household and is determined to contribute to change leading to recognition, reparations and reconciliation between his community of origin and the one that adopted him.

Identifying and Analyzing Language Discrimination

CARFfI invites you to the roundtable discussion organized by Parlons avec Confiance (PAC) ‘Identifying and Analyzing Language Discrimination.’ This conversation will highlight sociolinguist Professor Philippe Blanchet’s concept of language discrimination known as ‘glottophobia.’ During this discussion, we will define the notion and explore its impact on research in the Breton and Acadian contexts and in Francophone communities in Canada, more broadly.

Date: November 15, 2022

Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM (Ottawa time) / 3:30-5:00 PM (Rennes time)

Registration required


Philippe Blanchet

Philippe Blanchet

Philippe Blanchet, Ph.D. is a professor and researcher in sociolinguistics and didactic of plurilingual and intercultural communication at the University of Rennes 2, in Brittany, France. He is a specialist in Provençal, other French dialects, and plurilinguism in Francophone areas. He is the originator of the concept of glottophobia, which describes ‘language discrimination.’ The publication of his book 'Discriminations : Combattons la glottophobie' in 2016 received significant attention in academic conversations.

Black History Month, yes but what is next?

CARFfI extends an invitation to attend a panel discussion organized by GaCran (Action Group Against AntiBlack Racism) on the issues surrounding Black History Month in our schools. This panel will focus on the implications of the celebration: What is being celebrated and what are the consequences? What should be celebrated and by whom? After or before, February, what is being done to ensure an education free of anti-black racism? 

Date: February 9, 2023

Time: 6 PM

Registration required

Speakers : (coming soon)

Towards linguistic resilience

CARFfI welcomes you to the roundtable discussion ‘Vers la résilience langagière’ organized by Parlons avec Confiance (PAC). During this conversation, researchers and teachers will define relevant concepts and explore ways to support the process of language resilience for students from minority backgrounds. We will conclude with inspiring examples.

Date: March 21, 2023

Time: 6 PM 

Registration required


3 - Two school teachers in Nova Scotia

Phyllis Dalley

Phyllis Dalley

An allochthonous person, researcher and activist for equity and inclusion in French-language schools, Phyllis Dalley, Ph.D., is the founding director of the group Chantiers d'actions et de Recherches pour des Ffrancophonies (CARFfI), a collaboration whose raison d’être is inclusion through recognition, reparation and reconciliation.

Hannah Sutherland

Hannah Sutherland

Hannah Sutherland is a doctoral candidate in education at the University of Ottawa. Born into an English-speaking family, she learned French at school. She became aware of language issues in Nova Scotia's Acadia during her teacher training at the University of Sainte-Anne. Her Master of Arts thesis is focused on the process of language resiliency in Francophone high school students. Her thesis, 'De l’insécurité linguistique à la résilience linguistique : le rôle de l’école de langue française dans la formation de la résilience linguistique des adolescents', is available to read on the University of Ottawa’s research repository.

After registering for each activity, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to join the meeting.

By attending each of this event, you agree that CARFfI may keep a record of the event for future use.

Language of the events: French; questions are welcome in English or French.