Research from the perspective of visiting scholars
Apr 25, 2023 — All day
Join us for the next event in our Research Conversations Seriesentitled 'Research from the perspective of visiting scholars,' with professors from Iran, Germany, and South Korea: Elahe Aminifar, Edith Braun, and Jeong-Ah Lee. Register for this hybrid event happening on April 25, 2023, at 12 PM in CRX 410.

International collaborations
Did you know the Faculty of Education regularly hosts visiting scholars from around the world? These experts play important roles in our Faculty’s research community. We currently have three international researchers in residence: Elahe Aminifar, Edith Braun, and Jeong-Ah Lee, who are conducting work in collaboration with several of our professors. These research domains range from critical and multilingual mathematics education and evaluation in higher education, to second language education. During our April 25th edition of the Research Conversation Series, we will have the opportunity to engage with our panelists in a discussion about the scope of their projects and other aspects of professional life at the University.

Elahe Aminifar
Visiting scholar, Shahid Rajaee Teaching Training University, Iran
Elahe Aminifar is an associate professor in the School of Mathematics at Shahid-Rajaee University in Iran. Her research interests include teacher education in relation to mathematics, student motivation and understanding and the connections between language, bilingualism and mathematics education.

Edith Braun
Visiting scholar, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
Edith Braun is a professor in the Department of Educational Science at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, German. Her research interests and (inter)national publications are in the areas of learning outcomes, performance-based measurement, quality assurance and development of higher education teaching, and the study of learning processes, learning environments, and teaching attitudes in the context of higher education and teacher education.

Jeong-Ah Lee
Visiting scholar, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea
Jeong-Ah Lee is an associate professor at the School of Undergraduate Studies at Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) in South Korea. She is responsible for development and coordination of the undergraduate English program at DGIST. Dr. Lee’s research and teaching interests include critical language awareness and critical pedagogy in second language education.