Film screening of an excerpt from 'Briser le code' and roundtable discussion
Oct 20, 2022 — All day
Join CARFfI for a film screening and roundtable discussion hosted by GaCran (Groupe d'action contre le racisme antinoirEs). This presentation will focus on the inclusion of racialized students and white privilege in schools. Join us and together we will reduce racism.

Description of the event
CARFfI welcomes you to this GaCran event (Groupe d'action contre le racisme antinoirEs); screening of an excerpt from ‘Briser le code,’ followed by a roundtable discussion. Three experts from the field of education will ask the following questions: Is there a code in education? What does it take to break the code? For those in the majority, what are the consequences of becoming aware of the codes in place? Is it worth it to break the code or to simply become aware of one's privilege?

Allison Gagné
Allison Gagné, a teacher mindful of her privilege. She became aware of it as a white teacher when she moved to Madagascar to teach French. She continued to explore this issue in her master's thesis, which focuses on the experiences of successful teacher education placements for sub-Saharan African interns.

Elie Ndala
Elie Ndala, a student at the University of Ottawa who broke the code. Ph.D. candidate, Ricard Scholar and teacher by training, Elie Ndala is interested in the social and professional integration of immigrants in francophone contexts as well as the reconstruction of intercultural relations in the educational sphere. He comes from a first-generation immigrant household and is determined to contribute to change leading to recognition, reparations and reconciliation between his community of origin and the one that adopted him.