Math Anxiety, Math Achievement, and Well-Being
May 18, 2022 — All day
Join us for the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS) evententitled ''Math Anxiety, Math Achievement, and Well-Being'' with Professor Erin Maloney. Register for this presentation happening on May 18, 2022 at 12 PM EST.

Event description
Skills in mathematics and science are central to innovation and productivity growth. These are, in turn, necessary for improving standards of living in Canada. In this talk, Professor Maloney will discuss a major barrier to success and well-being in mathematics – math anxiety. Defined as feelings of fear, tension, and apprehension surrounding mathematical problem solving, math anxiety is argued to be an impediment to success in mathematics and interest in math and science-related careers. She will present a series of studies that have helped to elucidate how one may come to develop math anxiety and who may be most at risk.

Erin Maloney
Associate Professor at the School of Psychology and a Principal Researcher at the CRECS
Erin Maloney is an Associate Professor at the School of Psychology and a Principal Researcher at the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS). Her research, which sits at the intersection of cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and education, focuses on the cognitive and emotional factors that influence math learning and the impact of parents and teachers on children's learning. Much of her work has focused on the role of math anxiety in math performance. In addition to answering basic questions about numerical and mathematical representation and learning, she uses her research to inform educational practice and policy. Follow Professor Maloney on Twitter @Maloney_EA
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