Murat is Electronics and Communication Engineer since 1998 and Senior member IEEE since 2019. He has been working as a Senior Research Associate in the NEXTCON Research Lab with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Ottawa since early 2019. He is also a Senior Researcher in Smart Connected Vehicles Innovation (SCVI) Labs at the University of Ottawa Kanata North.
During this time, he conducted research projects collaborating with industry partners as senior researcher. He worked as a Researcher and a Lecturer with the Department of Astronautical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), from 2012 to 2019. He serves as Technical Committee Member and Organizing Committee Member to several IEEE conferences and ad-hoc reviewer to peer-reviewed journals. His research interests include surrogate based modeling and optimization, space mapping-based modeling and optimization, artificial intelligence, machine learning, artificial neural networks, and knowledge-based modeling.
As Engineer in Residence (EiR), he is responsible for academic coordination of the collaboration between University of Ottawa and Egyptian Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies within Digital Egypt Builders Initiative (DEBI). In addition, he teaches Applied Machine Learning in the new international graduate program with DEBI.