Dr. Ross Cheriton is a Research Associate at the National Research Council of Canada and adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa. He worked at the National Research Council of Canada for his undergraduate and masters programs on quantum dot theory, and quantum dot-based entangled photon sources in the telecommunications band using semiconductor nanostructures. He received his PhD in Physics at the University of Ottawa with research on the theory and characterization of gallium nitride nanowire intermediate band solar cells for sub-bandgap photocurrent generation on silicon. His research topics include III-V on silicon solar cells, concentrator multijunction solar cells, quantum dot/well theory, entangled photon sources, nanowire solar cells, organic solar cell characterization, and 2D materials. He has worked for a startup company developing the photovoltaic operation diamond retinal implants restoration for restoring vision for the blind, with his work being featured on the cover of the Ottawa Business Journal, Ottawa Citizen and Le Droit newspapers. He has authored and co-authored over 20 research papers, conference proceedings in a variety of scientific fields and holds 4 patents related to photonics sensing. His work currently focused on astrophotonics and integrated photonic device design for astronomy, spectroscopy, and remote sensing applications.
Ross Cheriton