Faculty bylaws


Provide a framework for decision-making authority, responsibility, and accountability for the Faculty of Health Sciences.


All Faculty of Health Sciences full-time academic staff and support staff

All Faculty of Health Sciences part-time and contract professors and support staff

Highest-level responsibility

Vice Dean, Governance and Secretary

Effective date

January 16, 2019

Revision date(s)

June 2011, January 2019

Faculty council meeting minutes

View the minutes

Executive committee members


Lucie Thibault


Christine Dallaire
Vice-Dean, Academics

Karen Phillips
Vice-Dean, Governance and Secretary 

Dawn Stacey
Vice-Dean, Research

Frédérique Tesson
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences

Alexandra Arellano
School of Human Kinetics

Brandi Vanderspank
Interim Director
School of Nursing

Riadh Hammami
Interim Director
School of Nutrition Sciences

Mary Egan
School of Rehabilitation Sciences

Paul Bélanger
Chief Administrative Officer

Faculty council members


Lucie Thibault

Ex-Officio Members

Christine Dallaire
Vice-Dean, Academics

Karen Phillips
Vice-Dean, Governance and Secretary 

Dawn Stacey
Vice-Dean, Research

Alexandra Arellano
Director, School of Human Kinetics

Mary Egan
Director, School of Rehabilitation Sciences

Riadh Hammami
Interim Director, School of Nutrition Sciences

Frédérique Tesson
Director, Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences

Brandi Vanderspank
Interim Director, School of Nursing

Paul Bélanger
Chief Administrative Officer

Matthieu Boisgontier
School of Rehabilitation Sciences
Representative of the Associate/Full Professors on Senate

Isabelle Giroux
School of Nutrition Sciences
Representative of the Professors on Senate

Student Representative to the Senate

Regular Faculty Members

Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences

Jeff Jutai
Lara Pilutti
Annie Robitaille

School of Human Kinetics

Anthony Carlsen
Ryan Graham
Eileen O’Connor

School of Nursing

Idrissa Beogo
Jean-Laurent Domingue
Craig Phillips

School of Nutrition Sciences

Melissa Fernandez
France Rioux

School of Rehabilitation Sciences

Mujda Nooristani
Rose Martini
Pier-Luc Turcotte

Members of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Éric Doucet
School of Human Kinetics

Heather Flowers
School of Rehabilitation Sciences

Hélène Laperrière
School of Nursing

Marie-Claude Thifault
School of Nursing

Full-time Students

Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences

Chienye Onyeagucha/Isabella Tari
Undergraduate Student Association

Kaya Kapilan
Graduate Student Association

School of Human Kinetics

Melissa Chik
Undergraduate Student Association

Lisa Ek Orloff
Graduate Student Association

School of Nursing

Colton Chaput
Undergraduate Student Association

Jennifer Neves/Michelle Lamont
Graduate Student Association

School of Nutrition Sciences

Laurence Vézina
Undergraduate StudentAssociation

Gyselle de Geus/Elyse Hodel
Graduate Student Association

School of Rehabilitation Sciences

Elizabeth Thibault
Graduate Student Association

Support Staff

Voting Member

Catherine Desforges
Assistant to the Director
School of Human Kinetics

Non-Voting Members

Valérie Charbonneau
Manager, Communications and Marketing

Linda Fulton
Academic Progress Manager

Rachelle Leblanc-St. Denis
Academic Progress Manager

Part-time Professors

Hadi Khalil
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences

Ben Noé
School of Human Kinetics