For French speaking students, the courses are also offered by distance, including francophones from minority communities on the Canadian West and East coasts and in the Territories, thanks to the “Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS)”.
Distance Education
All core courses, as well as all elective courses, are offered by distance modalities to students registered in the English portion of our Master’s program.
Course delivery
Distance courses
Courses where the professor and the students are in class and the students from different regions are present and connected either by audio or video during scheduled class hours. The students must also have access to a computer to view the documents.
Online courses
Courses where the professor is not physically present in the classroom; the course content is usually available on Virtual Campus (Blackboard, Elluminate).
However, the professor may require the virtual presence during some classes, during discussion periods or have a physical presence during exams. Consult the professor’s course syllabus for specific directives.
In addition to the information provided on our Web site pertaining to the Nursing Graduate programs, the following Web links from the Teaching and Learning Support Services (TLSS) offer further useful resources to meet the specific needs of distance students.
Virtual Campus
The Teaching and Learning Support Service provides information on the virtual campus including the procedure to connect to the virtual campus, how to make sure that your computer is ready, as well as an online guide to the virtual campus.
Distance Student Guide
A distance education student guide is also available online.
For more information on distance courses, please contact the Academic Administrative Officer, Graduate Studies Office at [email protected]. The Ph.D. is offered only on the University of Ottawa campus but in 2021 we submitted a request to have our program available by distance.