Dr. Jean Daniel Jacob is Associate Professor at the School of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa. His work draws on critical and sociopolitical approaches in the fields of psychiatric nursing and also addresses questions related to power, ethics and violence risk management. As a member of the University Chair in Forensic Nursing (2009-2018), he is currently working on a number of projects that address the use of control measures in psychiatry. Dr. Jacob is currently serving as Chair of Droits-Accès Outaouais’ Board.
Jean-Daniel Jacob

Full Professor
(currently on leave)
(currently on leave)
2010 Ph.D. Nursing University of Ottawa
2006 (fast track) M. Sc. N Nursing University of Ottawa
2005 B.Sc. N Nursing University of Ottawa
RGN 3054
613-562-5800 ext. 8421
Research interests
- Critical theory
- Violence and risk management
- Psychiatric nursing
- Forensic psychiatric nursing
- Socio-political aspects of nursing
- Ethics
Edited books
- Holmes, D., Jacob, J. D. & Perron, A. (eds). (2014). Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus: Repression, Transformation and Assistance. Surrey: Ashgate.
Refereed chapters in books
- Gagnon, M., Jacob, J. D. & Holmes, D. (2015). Allowing Mute Evidence to Be Heard: Mapping Public Health Campaigns. In A.E. Clarke, C. Friese & R. Washburn (Eds), Situational Analysis in Critical Qualitative Research & Beyond. Thousand Oaks: Left Coast Press.
- Gagnon, M., Jacob, J. D. & Holmes, D. (2015). Governing through (In)security: A Critical Analysis of Fear-Based Public Health Campaigns [Reprint]. In A. E. Clarke, C. Friese & R. Washburn (Eds), Situational Analysis in Critical Qualitative Research & Beyond. Thousand Oaks: Left Coast Press.
- Jacob, J. D., Perron, A. & Corneau, P. (2014). Structural Othering: towards an understanding of place in the construction of disruptive subjectivities. In D. Holmes, J. D. Jacob & A. Perron (Eds), Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus: Repression, Transformation and Assistance. Surrey: Ashgate.
- Jacob, J. D., Perron, A., and Holmes, D. (2014). Unmasking the Psychiatric Apparatus. In D. Holmes, J. D. Jacob & A. Perron (Eds). Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus: Repression, Transformation and Assistance. Surrey: Ashgate.
- Perron, A., Jacob, J. D. & Holmes, D. (2014). The politics of threats in correctional and forensic settings: The specificities of nursing research. In J. Kilty, M. Felices-Luna & S. Fabian (Eds). Demarginalizing Voices: Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research, Vancouver: UBC Press.
- Gagnon, M., Jacob, J.D. & Holmes, D. (2013). Governing through (In)security: A Critical Analysis of Fear-Based Public Health Campaigns [Reprint]. In A. Clarke & K. Charmaz (Eds), Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
- Gagnon, M. & Jacob, J.D. (2012). The rise of violence in HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns: A critical discourse analysis. In D. Holmes, T. Rudge & A. Perron (Eds). (Re)Thinking Violence in Health Care Settings: A Critical Approach. Surrey: Ashgate.
- Jacob, J. D. (2012). Working in a violent environment: the pitfall of integrating security imperatives into forensic psychiatric nursing. In D. Holmes, T. Rudge & A. Perron (eds). (Re)Thinking Violence in Health Care Settings: A Critical Approach, Surrey : Ashgate.
Papers in refereed journals
- Corneau, P., Jacob, J.D., Holmes, D. & Rioux, D. (Accepted). Contentions mécaniques en psychiatrie: étude phénoménologique de l'expérience vécue du personnel infirmier. Recherche en soins infirmiers.
- Stokes, Y., Vandyk, A., Squires, J., Jacob, J. D. & Gifford, W. (Submitted). Online recruitment of Registered Nurses in the age of social media: Facebook and LinkedIn. Nursing Research.
- Stokes, Y., Jacob, J. D., Vandyk, A., Gifford, W. & Squires, J. (Submitted). Exploring Nurses' Knowledge and Experiences Related to Trauma-Informed Care. Global Qualitative Nursing Research.
- Holmes, D., Rioux, D., Jacob, J. D. & Corneau, P. (2016). Contention Physique: l'expérience des patients. Santé Mentale. (210): 64-71
- M. Subu, D. Holmes, J. Elliot & J. D. Jacob. (2016). Persistent Taboo - Understanding Mental Illness and Stigma among Indonesian Adults Through Grounded Theory. Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences.
- Perron, A., Jacob, J. D., Beauvais, L., Corbeil, D. & Bérubé, D., (2015). Identification et gestion de la violence en psychiatrie: Perceptions du personnel infirmier et des patients en matière de sécurité et dangerosité. Recherche en Soins Infirmiers, 120, 47-60.
- Jacob, J. D. & Skinner, E., (2015). Exposing the expert discourse in psychiatry: A critical analysis of an anti-stigma/mental illness awareness campaign. Aporia, 7(1), 5-16.
- Gagnon, M., Jacob, J. D. & McCabe, J. (2014). Locating the qualitative interview: Reflecting on space and place in nursing research. Journal of Research in Nursing, Online First.
- Jacob, J. D., Gagnon, M. & McCabe, J. (2014). From distress to illness: A critical analysis of medicalization and its effects in clinical practice. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental health Nursing, 21(3), 257-263.
- Jacob, J. D. (2014). The Domestic Rupture. The Journal of Correctional Health Care, 20(1), 45-58.
- Gagnon, M., Jacob, J. D. & Cormier, L. (2013). Total control: A critical analysis of mandatory HIV testing in U.S. prisons. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 9(3), 154-161.
- Jacob, J. D. & Foth, T. (2013). Expanding our understanding of sovereign power: On the creation of zones of exception in forensic psychiatry. Nursing Philosophy, 14(3), 178-185.
- Gagnon, M., Jacob, J. D. & Guta, A. (2013). Treatment adherence redefined: a critical analysis of thechnotherapeutics. Nursing Inquiry, 20(1), 60-70.
- Holmes, D. & Jacob, J. D. (2012). Entre soin et punition: la difficile coexistence entre le soin infirmier et la culture carcérale. Recherche en soins infirmiers, 111, 57-66.
- Guta, A., Gagnon, M. & Jacob, J. D. (2012). Using Foucault to Recast the Telecare Debate. The American Journal of Bioethics, 57-59.
- Jacob, J. D. (2012). The rhetoric of therapy in forensic psychiatric nursing. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 8(4), 178-87.
- Jacob, J. D. & Holmes, D. (2011). The culture of fear: expanding the concept of risk in forensic psychiatric nursing. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 4(2), 106-115.
- Jacob, J. D. & Holmes, D. (2011). Working under threat: Fear and nurse-patient interactions in a forensic psychiatric setting. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 7(2), 68-77.
- Gagnon, M., Jacob, J. D. & Holmes, D. (2010). Governing through (in)security: A critical analysis of fear-based public health campaigns. Critical Public Health, 20(2), 245-256.
- Jacob, J. D., Gagnon, M, Perron, A., & Holmes, D. (2009). Sovereign power, spectacle and the deviant body: The use of the seclusion room in psychiatric nursing. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 2(2), 1-11.
- Jacob, J. D., Gagnon, M. & Holmes, D. (2009). Nursing so-called ‘monsters': On the importance of abjection and fear in forensic psychiatric nursing. Journal of Forensic Nursing, 5, 153-161.
- Federman, C., Holmes, D. & Jacob, J. D. (2009). Deconstructing the psychopath: A critical discursive analysis. Cultural Critique, 72, 36-65.
- Jacob, J. D., Holmes, D., & Buss, N. (2008). Humanism in forensic psychiatry: The use of the Tidal nursing model. Nursing Inquiry, 15(3), 224-230.
- Holmes, D., Murray, S., Perron, A., & Jacob, J. D. (2008). Le mouvement sur les données probantes: état de la situation. Santé Mentale, 130, 2-4.
- Murray, S., Holmes, D., Perron, A., & Jacob, J. D. (2008). Données probantes et pratiques exemplaires : vers une éthique de la résistance. Santé Mentale, 130, 5-8.