A Child Rights Based Framework and Evaluation Tools for Anti-Violence Efforts in Schools.

In the last few years, bullying has attracted a lot of attention, and a variety of responses have been adopted after tragic events have taken place in Canada. These efforts range from anti-bullying legislation and zero-tolerance policies to government and school board programs that promote tolerance and friendship. Due to the absence of a systematic, concerted and comprehensive approach to evaluating initiatives to respond to violence in schools, we intend to develop an evaluation tool that is based on child rights that could be used to develop and evaluate laws, policies and programs at all levels (federal, provincial, and school district, local).  This study would help to ensure that all such efforts respect children’s rights and that there is a common vision across various initiatives. Moreover, there is evidence that child rights-based approaches are more effective and lead to long-term solutions. Consequently, in order to develop an effective and meaningful tool in the school context, we would like to explore current issues and approaches related to evaluation and responses to violence in schools with interested stakeholders and organizations.

Mona Paré and Tara Collins, members of the IRLRC/LRIDE, and professors at the University of Ottawa and Ryerson University respectively, are working on a project that will develop an evaluation tool to assess child rights in relation to anti-violence efforts in schools. Through consultations, and email communications, we will gather the perspectives and ideas of those who have direct experience with evaluation, anti-violence efforts in schools, and/or child rights.

The project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and by the Canadian Bar Association.

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