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Law Program
- The Lost Contract and the Burst Pipe video — Transcript (PDF, 83.31 KB)
- Accompanying handout (PDF, 7.24 KB) for The Lost Contract and the Burst Pipe video
- The Initial Interview: Alex Bradley in Bradley v Dutton – Created for upper year interviewing and counseling seminar — Transcript (PDF, 83.31 KB)
- The Shakespearean Aside video — Transcript (PDF, 83.31 KB)
- Zweibel, E.B. (1999). Where Does ADR Fit in the Mainstream Law School Curriculum? 17 Windsor Yearbook of Access of Justice, 295-303.
- Zweibel, E.B., Goldstein, R., Manwaring, J.A., & Marks, M.B. (2008). What sticks: How medical residents and academic health care faculty transfer conflict resolution training from the workshop to the workplace. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 25(3), 321-350.
- Zweibel, E.B., & Goldstein, R. (2001). Conflict resolution at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine: The Pelican and the sign of the triangle. Academic Medicine, 76(4), 337-344.
Promoting Cooperation and Managing Conflict in Health Care
Research Articles:
User Agreement:
The University of Ottawa Faculty of Law's online conflict resolution modules are available free of charge with attribution1 for instructional purposes only. They can be used by educational, non-profit organizations as stand-alone online resources or in conjunction with face-to-face teaching.
1Zweibel, E. & Manwaring, J. (2003). Dispute Resolution for Lawyers. Retrieved [year, month, date] from https://www.uottawa.ca/faculty-law/common-law/dispute-resolution-professionalism/
Zweibel, E., Goldstein, R., & Manwaring, J. (2005).Promoting Cooperation and Managing Conflict in Health Care. Retrieved [year, month, date] from https://www.uottawa.ca/faculty-law/common-law/dispute-resolution-professionalism/