Family health expert Jo Ellen Patterson joins Faculty of Law as Fulbright Visiting Scholar

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section
Common Law Section
Centre for Health Law

By Common Law

Communication, Faculty of Law

Jo Ellen Patterson portrait, Centre for Health Law logo
The Faculty of Law and the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics (CHLPE) are pleased to welcome Professor Jo Ellen Patterson to the Fauteux Hall research community as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar.

Jo Ellen Patterson is a Professor at the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego. Her research primarily explores family well being. Using an interdisciplinary perspective, which blends the social and biological sciences, she focuses on training and education that offers the most comprehensive understanding of family well being. She has published numerous books on family health and family therapy, including Essential Skills in Family Therapy (Guilford, 2009), which has been adopted by many training programs across the United States, and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Professor Patterson will be located at the CHLPE and will work closely with many of its members over the course of the next year. In particular, she plans to work with Professor Emmanuelle Bernheim of the Civil Law Section. Building on her experience in American interdisciplinary clinics, Professor Patterson has contributed to the development of the new Clinique interdisciplinaire en droit social de l’Outaouais, particularly with regard to the training and interdisciplinary supervision of students in the last year. Her presence at the University of Ottawa will allow for further development of this work.

The Fulbright Visiting Scholars Program is the United States government’s flagship program of international educational and cultural exchange, enabling scholarly exchanges across more than 160 countries and feeding opportunities to study, teach, conduct research, exchange ideas, and contribute to mutual understanding.