The Division of Clinical and Functional Anatomy functions as unit within the Department of Innovation in Medical Education. Our overriding mandate is excellence and leadership in teaching the anatomical sciences at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine.

The anatomical sciences are a gateway to the clinical world for medical and health science students. In addition to facilitating the development of anatomy knowledge in various trainees across multiple programs, we also provide many anatomy-centric outreach events to members of the public, which allow many of our trainees to develop their communication and teaching skills while working with individuals from our local community.

Message from the Director, Anatomical Sciences

Welcome to the Division of Clinical and Functional Anatomy. Our Anatomy Division is our nation’s capital’s primary resource for expertise in anatomical sciences teaching, education scholarship, and clinical research. Expertise in human anatomy is essential for the delivery of safe and effective healthcare. As such, human anatomy is a core component of every medical school curriculum, including the University of Ottawa’s MD Program. We strive to deliver high quality laboratory-based anatomy training for medical students and various other learners, including residents, clinicians, graduate students, undergraduate students from across our University and from other institutions.

Anatomy education is more than just learning about human structure. Our team strives to provide evidence-based, hands-on, student-centred learning in small group activities supported by award-winning educators in our group. These laboratories foster the development of collaboration, communication, and teamwork skills essential to modern trainees in various programs. Our Code of Conduct ensures that our teachers and learners are always mindful of the fact that this unique educational privilege is dependent on generous, selfless, donors from our community. As such, our learning context also develops professionalism, respect, and empathy in our learners. Learn more about our body donation program.

Despite anatomy’s importance as a foundational science in healthcare, there is a global shortage of individuals capable of teaching human anatomy. To address this gap, we launched a Master of Applied Sciences in Anatomical Sciences Education Program in 2023 that strives to develop expertise as anatomy educators with an emphasis on experiential learning. The Research Project-based program provides our graduate students with training as teachers in MD Program laboratories, while also providing them with an opportunity to develop as education scholars in projects supervised by the acclaimed education scholars from our Division and from across our Department of Innovation in Medical Education. Learn more about our graduate program.

Dr. Christopher Ramnanan
Director of Anatomical Sciences


Dr. Christopher Ramnanan
Master of Anatomical Sciences Education students (Class of 2025) have the opportunity to teach Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (SJTUSM) learners as part of the International Summer School program.

Teaching opportunities in international programs

Master of Anatomical Sciences Education students (Class of 2025) have the opportunity to teach Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (SJTUSM) learners as part of the International Summer School program.
Anatomy faculty and graduate students are core educators in the uOttawa MD Program.

Medical anatomy education

Anatomy faculty and graduate students are core educators in the uOttawa MD Program.
ASE Students (Class of 2025) reinforce anatomy expertise by developing PoCUS skills.

Training in point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS) imaging

Master of Anatomical Sciences Education students (Class of 2025) reinforce anatomy expertise by developing PoCUS skills.