Dr. Sharon Johnston

Dr. Sharon Johnston
Dr. Sharon Johnston
Clinician Investigator


Bruyère Research Institute, 85 Primrose Ave
613-562-6262 ext. 2931


Dr. Sharon Johnston, MD, LLM is an Associate Professor and Clinician Investigator with the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Ottawa and a Researcher at the Institut du Savoir Montfort and the Bruyère Research Institute in Ottawa, Ontario.

Dr. Johnston’s research focuses on primary care performance measurement and reporting and building a learning health system infrastructure to support primary care practices. She works closely with primary care providers to pioneer innovation in digital patient communication and engagement and the use of patient reported measures for quality improvement and health system evaluation. She is working with a team of family physicians and primary care researchers to implement the Canadian Primary care Information Network as a not-for-profit infrastructure to help practices engage with and learn with their patients more efficiently, and learn with other primary care practices. Dr Johnston also researches performance measurement for interdisciplinary team care. She has a clinical and research interest in interdisciplinary team care for concussion management.

Research interests

  • Performance measurement and reporting
  • Primary care learning health systems and quality improvement
  • Patient engagement with digital communication
  • Team-based care
  • Concussion interdisciplinary team care