American Physiological Society
The APS website lists their awards by section and by month of submission deadline. Among the many awards are some for teaching, researcher, distinguished lectures, service, career enhancement and travel.
More details on their website
American Psychiatric Association Awards
These awards honour individuals for career recognition, lifetime service, outstanding research, and other categories that improve the lives of people with mental illness. There are various awards, including awards for women (Alexandra Symonds Award) and for improving the mental health of sexual minorities (John Fryer Award).
More details on their website
American Nuclear Society Awards
These awards recognize achievements in the nuclear sciences and technologies. There are several awards.
More details on their website
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Awards
A diverse set of awards aimed at recognizing outstanding contributions to the AI field. These include awards for papers, research, contributions, and lectures in AI.
More details on their website
Deadline: Various deadlines throughout the year
Killam Prize from the Canada Council for the Arts
Awarded to active Canadian scholars who have distinguished themselves through sustained excellence, making a significant impact in their respective fields in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, health sciences, and engineering. The prize amount is $100,000. Counts towards Maclean's University Ranking.
No deadline posted.
More details on their website
CIHR Barer Flood Prize in Health Services and Policy Research
The Barer-Flood Prize is intended to recognize and support the research excellence of Canadian Senior-Career Investigators, and will be given to the highest ranking senior-career investigator in CIHR’s Project Grant competition whose application is relevant to IHSPR's mandate. This prize is a supplemental grant to support research and/or knowledge mobilization. The total amount available for this prize is $25,000, enough to fund one prize for one year.
More details on their website
Deadline: none posted
Humboldt Research Award
This award is for researchers in any academic discipline whose fundamental discoveries, new theories or findings have had a lasting effect on their discipline beyond their immediate research area and who are expected to continue producing outstanding research in the future. The award carries a 60,000 euro prize, with a possible stay of up to 12 months in Germany for research. Counts towards Maclean's University Ranking.
More details on their website
Deadline: Open
Order of Canada
The Order of Canada is how our country honours people who make extraordinary contributions to the nation. More than 7 600 people from all sectors of society have been invested into the Order. The contributions of these trailblazers are varied, yet they have all enriched the lives of others and made a difference to this country. Their grit and passion inspire us, teach us and show us the way forward. They exemplify the Order’s motto: DESIDERANTES MELIOREM PATRIAM (“They desire a better country”).
More details on their website
Deadline: Open (nomination details)
Nature Research Awards
A number of awards including categories such as Women in Science, Global Impact, Commercialization etc. are offered throughout the year.
More details on their website
Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award
This award intended to inspire and support new generations of women in the field of genetics. The awards honor women in the first one to three years of an independent faculty-level position whose work displays originality and scientific creativity, leading to new discoveries.
More details on their website
The next application cycle will open in 2024.
The Kavli Prize
The Kavli Prize honors scientists for breakthroughs in astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience – transforming our understanding of the big, the small and the complex.
More details on their website
Deadline: Open call
Massry Prize
The Meira and Shaul G. Massry Foundation established the Massry Prize in 1996 to recognize outstanding contributions to the biomedical sciences and the advancement of health. The Massry Prize includes a substantial honorarium and twelve of its recipients have gone on to receive the Nobel Prize.
More details on their website
No deadline posted.
NOGLSTP Out to Innovate Awards
These awards were established as a means of identifying, honoring, and documenting the contributions of outstanding LGBTQ+ science, engineering and technology professionals, as well as corporations, academic institutions, and businesses that support LGBTQ+ professionals in the fields of science and technology. Categories include:
- Walt Westman Award. This award is the highest national award given to a NOGLSTP Member who has shown dedication and commitment to the advancement of NOGLSTP’s mission.
- LGBTQ+ Scientist of the Year Award
- LGBTQ+ Educator of the Year Award
- National Institution/Organization Award
More details on their website
Deadline: none indicated online
Prix Bernard Grandmaître (Association des communautés francophones d'Ottawa)
ACFO Ottawa's Bernard Grandmaître Awards Gala recognizes the outstanding efforts of Francophone leaders in our community. In addition to the Bernard Grandmaître Award, several Lauriers are awarded to individuals and organizations, celebrating the work of our pioneers, who have been working for a long time in the Francophonie, but also the contribution of young leaders, newcomers and Francophiles, for example.
More details on their website (website in French only)
Deadline: none indicated online
Canadian Society for Immunology Awards
A number of awards are offered annually by the Canadian Society for Immunology covering Early Career Investigators, to Career Awards and service to the CSI.
More details on their website
Deadline: none indicated online
Top 25 Women of Influence
These awards recognize the extraordinary accomplishments of Canada’s self-identified women and gender-diverse role models. The recipients have all left their mark over the past year: contributing to the greater good through their initiatives; using their influence to drive positive change; or reaching inspiring heights on a global stage.
More details on their website
Nomination timeline not posted.