Have your say in February’s Quick Poll:
The February Quick Poll seeks your input on how you’d like to be recognized by, and your engagement level with, the FoM. We invite our members, learners and staff to respond.
The October edition of the Quick Poll survey asked our stakeholders two questions:
Q1: The Faculty of Medicine provides leadership training for our members. What specific areas of leadership training interest you? Please select all that apply.
Q2: Are you satisfied with the wellness support available to you from the Faculty of Medicine?
The results were as follows:
Q1: Respondents indicated interest in a variety of leadership training areas. Here are some current offerings at the FoM and University to help you in your training needs.
The Essentials for Academic Leadership program, offered by the Office of Continuing Professional Development, currently provides skills training on an array of topics, including leading vs. managing, coaching principles, conflict management, change management, and dealing with employees. This program is aimed at clinicians, program directors and researchers, with interactive activities developed for each specific group based on their different needs. CPD is planning to do a faculty-wide needs assessment on faculty development topics in the near future, and adding strategic planning to our FacDev offerings is something that will be considered. Please access current Faculty Development programs on their learning activities site.
Staff can access training through uOttawa’s Lynda.com account, and its Human Resources Leadership, Learning and Organizational Development offerings. Feel free to browse the latter’s calendar of workshops, and to contact them about customized training they can offer to teams ([email protected]). The Faculty of Medicine’s HR also offers a Support Staff Foundations of Leadership 5 day program; please speak to your manager for more information.
Q2: Through recent surveys including the last Quick Poll, we have heard that wellness is a concern for faculty, learners and staff alike. It is a priority for us, and we are in the final stages of hiring a new Assistant Dean of Wellness. This position has been upgraded from that of Director, reflecting the importance of the issue. In the coming months, the new Assistant Dean will work with the Student Affairs Office and with our hospital partners to identify areas of responsibility and a clear path forward for faculty and learners, and we will continue to update you on this progress. Wellness is also a priority area of the Faculty Experience Team, which means that this group of grass roots faculty members has been working with our Faculty Affairs and Wellness offices to facilitate two way dialogue at the departmental level.
If you are a staff member, wellness services continue to be provided to you through the University of Ottawa. You can learn more about what is offered by Human Resources at https://www.uottawa.ca/human-resources/health.
View the results from the July 2018 Quick Poll.