Suggested course sequences - Biology
Course sequences show you which courses you should take for your particular program and in which term you should take them. They help you plan your course schedule. Course sequences are only guidelines; there is more than one possible course sequence for any given program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- In addition to the regular honours with specialization program, four other honours with specialization options are available: 1) Cellular and Molecular Option; 2) Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Option; 3) Physiology Option or 4) Plant Science. Please consult the relevant table for each of these options.
- For students registered in the Faculty of Science: If the components of your program of study require common compulsory courses, you will have to replace the units with electives.
Within your program of study, you must complete a minimum of 12 course units at the 3000 or 4000-level with a laboratory component. These courses must be selected from the list of optional courses below:
- BIO3103
- BIO3126
- BIO3128
- BIO3137
- BIO3146
- BIO3151
- BIO3152
- BIO3154
- BIO3158
- BIO3310
- BIO3333
- BIO3360
- BIO4004
- BIO4009
- BIO4122
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4158
- BIO4302
- BIM4316
- BPS4104
- BPS4127
Co-operative education is available with this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be on good academic standing is 5.0.
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- Within your program of study, you must complete a minimum of 15 course units at the 3000 level or above with laboratory component. These courses must be selected from the list of optional courses below:
- BIM4613
- BIO3103
- BIO3126
- BIO3137
- BIO3146
- BIO3151
- BIO3152
- BIO3154
- BIO3158
- BIO3310
- BIO3333
- BIO3360
- BIO3924
- BIO4004
- BIO4007
- BIO4122
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4158
- BPS4104
- BPS4127
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- Certain courses are offered in alternate years with the French equivalent.
For students registered in the Faculty of Science: If the components of your program of study require common compulsory courses, you will have to replace with electives.
Co-operative education is available with this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be on good academic standing is 5.0.
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- At least 9 of the 33 elective units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- For students registered in the Faculty of Science: If the components of your program of study require common compulsory courses, you will have to replace the units with electives.
A minimum of 15 units in BIO at the 3000-level or above with a lab component must be completed from this list:
- BIO3103
- BIO3126
- BIO3128
- BIO3137
- BIO3146
- BIO3151
- BIO3152
- BIO3154
- BIO3158
- BIO3310
- BIO3333
- BIO3360
- BIO4004
- BIO4009
- BIO4122
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4158
- BIO4302
- BIM4316
- BPS4104
- BPS4127
List A - 6 units from the following list must be completed:
- BCH3120
- BCH4172
- BIO3102
- BIO3119
- BIO3124
- BIO3126
- BIO3142
- BIO3147
- BIO3360
- BIO4115
- BIO4142
- BIO4144
- BIO4145
- BIO4158
- BIO4175
- BIO4537
- BPS3101
- BPS4104
Co-operative education is available with this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be on good academic standing is 5.0.
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- Some 3000-4000 level lecture courses are offered in French and English in alternate years.
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- For students registered in the Faculty of Science: If the components of your program of study require common compulsory courses, you will have to replace the units with electives.
List A - Optional courses in Ecology/Evolution/Behaviour - 9 course units from this list must be taken:
- BIO3102
- BIO3103
- BIO3115
- BIO3117
- BIO3119
- BIO3128
- BIO3146
- BIO3154
- BIO3176
- BIO3310
- BIO3360
- BIO4111
- BIO4122
- BIO4146
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4159
- BIO4537
- BIO4551
Within your program of study, you must complete a minimum of 15 course units at the 3000 or 4000 level with a laboratory component. A complete list of courses having a laboratory component can be found below. Please note: if a course listed below has already been used to fulfil a compulsory or optional requirement in your program listed above, these course units count toward this total of 15 units.
List of Optional Courses with a Laboratory Component:
- BIM4316
- BIO3103
- BIO3126
- BIO3128
- BIO3137
- BIO3146
- BIO3151
- BIO3152
- BIO3154
- BIO3158
- BIO3310
- BIO3333
- BIO3360
- BIO4004
- BIO4009
- BIO4122
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4158
- BIO4302
- BPS4104
- BPS4127
Co-operative education is available with this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be on good academic standing is 5.0.
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2023-2024
Note: Students cannot enroll in this option anymore. The information provided is for students who are currently enrolled in this option. Students seeking a similar option should consider either the Animal Physiology or the Plant Sciences Option.
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- BIO3142: This course is only offered every two years. Is not offered in 2023-2024.
- Some 3000-4000 level lecture courses are offered in French and English in alternate years
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- For students registered in the Faculty of Science: If the components of your program of study require common compulsory courses, you will have to replace with electives.
Within your program of study, you must complete a minimum of 15 course units at the 3000 level or above with laboratory component. These courses must be selected from the list of optional courses below:
- BIM4316
- BIO3103
- BIO3126
- BIO3137
- BIO3146
- BIO3151
- BIO3152
- BIO3154
- BIO3158
- BIO3310
- BIO3333
- BIO3360
- BIO3924
- BIO4004
- BIO4009
- BIO4122
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4158
- BPS4104
- BPS4127
Co-operative education is available with this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be on good academic standing is 5.0.
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- Within your program of study, you must complete a minimum of 15 course units at the 3000 level or above with laboratory component. These courses must be selected from the list of optional courses below:
- BIM4316
- BIO3103
- BIO3126
- BIO3128
- BIO3137
- BIO3146
- BIO3151
- BIO3152
- BIO3154
- BIO3158
- BIO3310
- BIO3333
- BIO3360
- BIO4004
- BIO4009
- BIO4122
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4158
- BIO4302
- BPS4104
- BPS4127
- BIO3142: This course is only offered every two years. Is not offered in 2023-2024
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- Certain courses are offered in alternate years with the French equivalent.
- Some 3000-4000 level lecture courses are offered in French and English in alternate years.
For students registered in the Faculty of Science: If the components of your program of study require common compulsory courses, you will have to replace with electives.
Co-operative education is available with this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be on good academic standing is 5.0.
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- In addition to the regular honours with specialization program, four other honours with specialization options are available: 1) Cellular and Molecular Option; 2) Ecology, Evolution and Behavior Option; 3) Physiology Option or 4) Plant Science. Please consult the relevant table for each of these options.
Co-operative education is not available with this program.
A minor may not be added to this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be in good academic standing is 5.0
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- Some 3000-4000 level lecture courses are offered in French and English in alternate years.
- At least 9 of the 24 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- Certain courses are offered in alternate years with the French equivalent.
Co-operative education is not available with this program.
A minor may not be added to this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be in good academic standing is 5.0
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- At least 9 of the 33 elective units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
List A - 6 units from the following list must be completed:
- BCH3120
- BCH4172
- BIO3102
- BIO3119
- BIO3124
- BIO3126
- BIO3142
- BIO3147
- BIO3360
- BIO4115
- BIO4142
- BIO4144
- BIO4145
- BIO4175
- BIO4537
- BPS3101
- BPS4104
Co-operative education is not available with this program.
A minor may not be added to this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be in good academic standing is 5.0
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- Some 3000-4000 level lecture courses are offered in French and English in alternate years.
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
List A - Optional courses in Ecology/Evolution/Behaviour - 9 course units from this list must be taken:
- BIO3102
- BIO3103
- BIO3115
- BIO3117
- BIO3119
- BIO3128
- BIO3146
- BIO3154
- BIO3176
- BIO3310
- BIO3360
- BIO4111
- BIO4122
- BIO4146
- BIO4150
- BIO4156
- BIO4159
- BIO4537
- BIO4551
Co-operative education is not available with this program.
A minor may not be added to this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be in good academic standing is 5.0
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2023-2024
Note: Students cannot enroll in this option anymore. The information provided is for students who are currently enrolled in this option. Students seeking a similar option should consider either the Animal Physiology or the Plant Sciences Option.
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO3142: This course is only offered every two years. Is not offered in 2023-2024
- Students cannot enroll into this option anymore. The information provided is for students that are currently enrolled in this option. Students seeking to choose a similar option should consider either the Animal Physiology Option or the Plant Sciences Option.
- Some 3000-4000 level lecture courses are offered in French and English in alternate years.
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- At least 9 of the 24 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- Certain courses are offered in alternate years with the French equivalent.
Co-operative education is not available with this program.
A minor may not be added to this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be in good academic standing is 5.0
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (30 units) |
2nd year (30 units) |
3rd year (30 units) |
4th year (30 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
- BIO3142: This course is only offered every two years and is not offered in 2023-2024
- At least 9 of the 33 elective course units must be from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
- Certain courses are offered in alternate years with the French equivalent.
- Some 3000-4000 level lecture courses are offered in French and English in alternate years.
Co-operative education is not available with this program.
A minor may not be added to this program.
The French Immersion Stream is available with this program.
The minimum CGPA required to be in good academic standing is 5.0
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (21 units) |
2nd year (21 units) |
3rd year (9 units) |
4th year (9 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
For students registered in the Faculty of Science: If the components of your program of study require common compulsory courses, you will have to replace the units with electives.
Please note that all programs in the Faculty of Science require a minimum of 12 units from the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences or the Telfer School of Management.
Co-operative education is available when taken as part of an honours degree.
The French Immersion Stream is available when taken as part of an honours degree.
Please note that a maximum of 48 units at the 1000 level can be used towards your program.
Academic year 2024-2025
Year | Fall | Winter |
1st year (6 units) |
2nd year (6 units) |
3rd year (9 units) |
4th year (9 units) |
- BIO1109: This course is beyond the requirements of the programs in science.
Please note that a maximum of 45 units at the 1000 level can be used towards the Bachelor of Science with Minor.

The above should match the information in the official program calendar (and related archives), under “program requirements”. However, we cannot guarantee complete accuracy despite our rigorous control procedures.
- In the event of a discrepancy between the content on this page and the official calendar, the calendar takes precedence and is the authoritative source.
- Please note that you must follow the program requirements in effect in the calendar year of your first enrolment. Additional requirements may apply.