2023 Faculty of Social Sciences Awards

Faculty of Social Sciences
Awards and recognition
Every year, the Faculty of Social Sciences proudly recognizes the excellence of its professors and administrative staff by granting Faculty awards. Here is the list of the 2023 award recipients. Congratulations to all!

Please note that all testimonies are provided in the recipients' language of choice.
Stephanie Gaudet

Excellence in Research Award

The Faculty of Social Sciences’ Excellence in Research Award is granted to a member of the teaching personnel who has earned distinction for his or her unit and Faculty because of the importance and exceptional characteristics of his or her research work.

"Je suis reconnaissante de recevoir ce prix, je démontre ainsi la possibilité de faire carrière en langue française tout en ayant un rayonnement international. La recherche permet d’exprimer ma quête pour la sagesse à travers la créativité exprimée dans les projets, la rigueur requise par le travail intellectuel et l’amour nécessaire pour les gens et les communautés avec qui je travaille."
Stephanie Gaudet

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Citizenship and Minorities

Stephen Baranyi

Award for Activities in the Media or the Community Award

The Activities in the Media or the Community Award is presented annually to a member of the teaching staff who has demonstrated outstanding service by sharing his or her expertise through the media or with the community, both locally and nationally.

C’est un honneur d’accepter ce prix de la Faculté! Haïti est assiégée par une crise profonde et complexe. J’espère que mes interventions auprès des médias ont su rendre cette situation plus intelligible pour les parties prenantes au Canada et que nos appuis aux associations de la société civile haïtienne, notamment de femmes handicapées, contribuent à une sortie de crise ancrée dans des priorités endogènes."
Stephen Baranyi
School of International Development and Global Studies

Alexandre Baril

Young Researcher Award

The Young Researcher Award is presented annually to a member of the teaching staff who has earned distinction for his or her unit and Faculty as a result of the importance and exceptional characteristics of his or her research work.

"Je suis honoré d’être le récipiendaire de ce prix. Cela signifie non seulement une reconnaissance de mon travail personnel, mais également et surtout la reconnaissance d’expertises disciplinaires, de théories, d’épistémologies et de méthodologies alternatives au regard des réalités de groupes marginalisés comme les personnes trans, handicapées ou suicidaires."
Alexandre Baril
School of Social Work

sophie bourgault

Excellence in Teaching Award

The Excellence in Teaching Award is granted to a member of the teaching staff, nominated by his or her peers, who has demonstrated outstanding performance in his or her teaching, in particular in the development of innovative teaching material, courses, and programs of study, and for his or her interpersonal skills.

"Je tiens à exprimer ma gratitude envers tous les étudiant.e.s avec lesquel.l.e.s j’ai le plaisir d’échanger au quotidien (dans les salles de cours, la cuisinette, les corridors et autres lieux ordinaires) – des étudiant.e.s qui m’offrent à chaque année de nouvelles perspectives sur la pensée politique et qui acceptent de relever avec enthousiasme les défis de la conversation. Je me considère hyper privilégiée de pouvoir enseigner ici."
Sophie Bourgault
School of Political Studies

Nathalie Saumure

Administrative Staff Award

The Administrative Staff Award is granted to a member of the administrative staff who has contributed to the betterment of the Faculty and the unit in which he or she works, through his or her initiative, creativity, and superior performance.

"C’est un plaisir d’évoluer au sein d'une communauté qui se soucie de l’impact de ses actions sur la qualité de l’expérience de ses étudiants. Merci de reconnaitre ma contribution."

Nathalie Saumure
Senior Specialist, Student Experience

Award for Service Excellence

The Award for Service Excellence is granted to a member of the administrative staff to tangibly recognize the importance of quality service excellence in the student experience. The award recognizes the key role that employees play in positions geared toward service.

Madeleine has been managing and growing the Faculty’s international programs since 2006.  Madeleine skillfully dealt with the unexpected daily as she assisted hundreds of students who took a field – research course, internships with a Canadian NGO in a developing country, the ModelUN course, Walls-to-Bridges course as well as summer schools. 

Madeleine Roy
Senior Specialist, Practicum