The leadership members of the hub are joining forces to prepare Canada for future pandemics.

Executive board chairs

Andy Knights, PhD, Executive Board Chair
Acting Vice President (Research) and Professor in the Department of Engineering Physics, McMaster University

Julie Saint-Pierre, Executive Board Vice Chair
Interim Vice-President, Research and Innovation, University of Ottawa
Scientific co-leads

John C. Bell, PhD, Scientific Co-Director
Senior Scientist, The Ottawa Hospital and Professor Medicine and Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology, University of Ottawa

Dr. Matthew Miller, PhD, Scientific Co-Director
Director of the M.G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences (BBS) at McMaster
Research and clinical leadership

Arinjay Banerjee, PhD
Research Scientist VIDO and uSaskatchewan

Marceline Côté, PhD
Co-Director, uOttawa Centre for Infection, Immunity, and Inflammation (CI3)

Volker Gerdts, PhD
Director and CEO of VIDO; Professor, Department of Veterinary Microbiology uSaskatchewan

Scott Halperin, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Microbiology & Immunology at Dalhousie University, the Director of the Canadian Center for Vaccinology (CCfV)

Carolina Ilkow, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Université of Ottawa, and Senior Scientist at The Ottawa Hospital

Greg Korbutt, PhD
Professor, Department of Surgery, University of Alberta; Scientific Director, Alberta Cell Therapy Manufacturing Facility

Marc-André Langlois, PhD
Executive Director, CoVaRRnet, Professor in the Faculty of Medicine’s Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology at uOttawa

Brian Lichty, PhD
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, McMaster University

Jeanna Parsons Leigh, PhD
Killam Memorial Research Chair, Assistant Professor in the School of Health Administration at Dalhousie University

Jennifer Quizi, PhD
Investigator and Director, Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Centre, Virus Manufacturing Facility (BMC-VMF) The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Leyla Soleymani, PhD
Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Physics; Tier 2 CRC in Miniaturized Biomedical Devices, McMaster University

Duncan Stewart, MD
CEO and Scientific Director of the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI), senior scientist in OHRI's Regenerative Medicine Program

Kednapa Thavorn PhD
Senior Scientist and a Scientific Lead of Health Economics at The Ottawa Hospital’s Research Institute, Associate Professor

Dr. Gerry Wright, PhD
Executive Director of Global Nexus and a McMaster University Distinguished University Professor

Ken Lawless, MSc, Director
Senior Director of the Ottawa Health and Life Sciences Innovation Hub, University of Ottawa

Darren Lawless, PhD, Director
Associate Vice-President Research, Innovation and Partnerships McMaster University

Jen Bassett, PhD, CP2H Senior Manager
University of Ottawa

Sam Afkhami, PhD, Research Scientist
McMaster University

Mohamed Ramiz, BBA, Senior Project Manager, Research Programs
University of Ottawa