The database is a tool that houses over 600 official documents, separated into three categories: instruments that are binding under international law (conventions/treaties); non-binding instruments, such as declarations of international organisations; and international monitoring documents, including jurisprudence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations treaty bodies, which oversee Canada’s compliance with its international human rights obligations. It includes official documents that set out international human rights standards and information about Canada’s official position vis-à-vis international human rights instruments.
Providing free access to such information, in both English and French, HRI and HRREC hope that the database will create greater understanding of international human rights and how they apply to Canada, and foster dialogue on Canada’s implementation of its international human rights obligations and commitments.
The database was updated until 2019. The partners contacted the Canadian Human Rights Commission in September 2019 to donate the fully developed database so they could make good use of this valuable resource.
Project Partner: Human Rights Internet
Academic Advisor: Professor John Packer
Project Coordinator: Janine Lespérance, HRREC Member