Health and safety
Our sector’s role is to promote, create and maintain a secure environment for the University community and the general public.

Designated substances reports and hazardous materials surveys
Inventory of building materials on campus containing Designated Substances and other hazardous materials, as defined under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Occupational health and safety regulations and university policies
Policies related to occupational health and safety are listed.

Programs and procedures
In addition to Ontario legislation, the University of Ottawa has developed specific policies, procedures, and guidelines applicable to the University community.

Roles and responsibilities
The Internal Responsibility System is an organizational structure where everyone has direct responsibility for health and safety as an essential part of his or her job. It does not matter whom or where the person is in the organization structure.
Contact information
Operations and small works
Martine Bergeron
[email protected]
Project Management Office
Elisa Koene
[email protected]