Submit your signage requests and find out more about our signage standards.

Submitting a signage request
In order to maximize usability and clarity, make all signage requests by email at [email protected], or by calling 613-562-5000. Include the following information:
- Contact information for the person who will be following up the signage work process with Facilities
- A clear description of the issue or request
- Building and room location
- A photo of the area and existing signage (if applicable)
- Cost centre information for billable signage work
- Preferred completion date (please indicate if request is urgent)
Non-billable signage work include health and safety signage and standard washroom signage. All other signage requests are considered billable. Billable signage requests are not processed without cost centre information. To receive a more timely service, please send clear photos of the area along with your signage request.

Self-Serve Name Insert
Standard size BB2 (5½ inches)
Larger size (8½ inches)
Printing instructions
Step 1: Select Template (colour or black and white)
Step 2: Use the appropriate example for your name length
- Use example #1: For most names
- Use example #2: IF the name is longer, reduce font size so that initial and last name fit on one line (standard size only)
- Use example #3: To include name and title (or position)
- Use example #4: For more than 1 name
Step 3: Replace default text in selected box with appropriate name
Step 4: Print sheet and cut along the indicated box
Step 5: Insert into name display

Key Contacts
For questions related to signage, contact [email protected].
To submit a signage request, contact our Call Centre at 613-562-5000 or e-mail [email protected]