Fostering diversity, equity and inclusion

Information Technology
Information Technology
Aayush Sharma
Aayush Sharma, Sr. IT Project manager from the Faculty of Medicine was invited to be a panelist at the recent Bridging the Gap 2.0 event, where the "Power of Allyship“ was examined.

The importance of allyship is often overlooked or ignored, but it is a topic that needs to be openly discussed. The second half of the panel involved representing the group "Young Male Allies - Better and Stronger Allies Together," an initiative started by Martin Bernier (CIO) and Luc Villeneuve. It is essential for men to play a vital role in advocating for women to have a seat at the table. Male allies need to educate themselves, speak up, listen, learn, and provide support.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are not just buzzwords; they are essential aspects of our society. DEI should not be treated as a mere checkbox for organizations or teams, nor should it be pursued solely for superficial reasons like improving a company's rating or creating an appealing website background picture showcasing diversity in appearance.

Diversity goes beyond merely having a seat at the table; it requires ensuring that every voice is heard. It involves embracing perspectives and experiences that may differ from our own. While these differences may seem unfamiliar or unusual, we cannot ignore them. Research indicates that such diversity is a catalyst for innovation.

To truly advance the cause of DEI, we must shift our mindset away from viewing it as solely the responsibility of the Human Resources department within organizations. Rather, DEI must be embraced as a vital leadership priority, driven from the highest levels of an organization. By actively prioritizing DEI, we can foster a culture of inclusivity that not only supports individual growth but also propels innovation to unprecedented heights.

Allyship is not just about talking the talk; it is about walking the walk and taking action to drive change. Often, our unconscious behaviors can have a profound impact on others, whether positive or negative. It is crucial to acknowledge the existence of systemic issues and engage in open, honest discussions to collectively discover sustainable solutions.

In summary, diversity is a fact, but inclusion requires intentional action. We must move beyond mere rhetoric and actively embody the principles of allyship to create a world where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique talents and perspectives.