Dany Laveault is Professor Emeritus of Measurement and Evaluation in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa since 2015. He served as Associate Dean of Research from 1998 to 2002 and the received the Research Excellence Award in 2012. From 1993 to 2001, he was the Director of the international French-language journal Mesure et évaluation en éducation. In 1995, the Association for the Development of Evaluation Methodologies in Education (ADME) honored him with its annual prize for outstanding contributions to measurement in education. In 2014, DeBoeck published the third edition of Introduction aux théories des tests en psychologie et en sciences de l'éducation and in 2016, he co-edited Assessment for Learning: Meeting the Challenge of Implementation (Springer). Over the course of his career, he published several articles on learning assessment certificative, formative, assessment of teachers’ professional judgment, as well as the role of student self-evaluation in regulating learning. He is also an evaluation consultant for Quebec and Ontario school systems, as well as outside for educational institutions outside of Canada.
Dany Laveault

Laveault, D. (2021). L’évaluation certificative des apprentissages : au-delà des notes
Laveault, D. (2020). Évaluation et éducation au Canada : questions d’apprentissage
Laveault, D., Allal, L.(2016). Assessment for Learning: Meeting the Challenge of Implementation
Journals & other
Yerly, G. & Laveault, D. (2020), Évaluer les apprentissages en contexte de pandémie : aller au-delà de la notation pour soutenir la réussite de tous les élèves, Formation et profession, 28, 1-12.
Laveault, D. & Yerly, G. (2020). Pour former de meilleurs apprenants : l’évaluation, un facteur d’équité à ne pas négliger, Le réseau EdCan.
Laveault, D. (2019). Évaluation des apprentissages : pour être à la hauteur et se dépasser. Le rôle de l’autoévaluation, Le réseau EdCan.
Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.
Research interests
- Self-evaluation
- Learning assessment
- Formative evaluation
- Motivation