Twenty titles for teaching and learning about Pride Season

Faculty of Education
Equity, diversity and inclusion
Pride Week
Stack of books with rainbow ribbon
Teaching and learning about all aspects of our diverse society are key to fostering cultures of respect in our classrooms. The months of June, July, and August are now synonymous with Pride Season across Canada and present an excellent opportunity to discover a variety of titles for children and youth.

Here at the Faculty of Education’s Resource Centre (FERC), we offer a wide selection of teaching resources for Pride Season in both French and English. You can order resources online through the uO Library, or send a request via email at [email protected]

You can come for in-person pick-up (the Center will be temporarily relocated to LMX 475 until the end of the summer) or at another location of the library network.

Explore this list of books curated by our technicians’ team and don't hesitate to contact the Centre if you need any help.

English titles

Big gay adventures in education: supporting LGBT+ visibility and inclusion in schools

This book documents the experiences of openly gay teachers and their students. It aims to empower 2SLGBTQI+ teachers and to promote visibility and inclusion.

Both can be true

Jules Machias explores identity, gender fluidity, and the power of friendship and acceptance in this dual-narrative story about two kids who join forces to save a dog . . . but wind up saving each other. 

Boys Run the Riot

High schooler Ryo knows he's transgender, but he doesn't have anyone to confide in about the confusion he feels. When he finally finds someone to open up to, he sees that the journey ahead might finally give him a way to express himself to the world.

Celebrating difference : A whole-school approach to LGBT+ inclusion

Celebrating Difference is an inspiring handbook for 2SLGBTQI+ inclusion, aimed at all primary and secondary teachers and leaders. Written by Shaun Dellenty, an internationally celebrated leader in inclusion education, it is filled with practical advice to enable schools to bring about organisational change to ensure the safety, success, mental health, and well-being of all pupils and staff. 


It's the summer between middle school and high school, and Aiden Navarro is away at camp. Everyone's going through changes—but for Aiden, the stakes feel higher. As he navigates friendships, deals with bullies, and spends time with Elias (a boy he can't stop thinking about), he finds himself on a path of self-discovery and acceptance. 

Jacob’s School Play: Starring He, She, and They

While learning their lines and making their costumes, Jacob's class finds itself unexpectedly struggling with identity, and what it means to be “he," “she," or “they.”

Queer: A graphic history

This graphic novel introduces the reader to queer theory. This work delves into identity politics, Judith Butler’s theory of gender performativity, and representation in the media.

Rainbow: A first book of pride

This illustrated children’s book represents 2SLGBTQI+ families and couples and explains the meaning of the different colours of the Pride flag.

Rez runaway

This novel tells the story of Jon, a two-spirited teen struggling with his identity. This book addresses several topics, including residential schools, two-spiritedness and acceptance. 

This day in June

This picture book tells the story of a pride parade and is intended to celebrate pride, educate about its history and highlight 2SLGBTQI+cultures.

French titles

Boris Brindamour et la robe orange

L’histoire de Boris, un jeune garçon qui aime porter sa robe orange même si ses copains se moquent de lui. 

De la honte à la fierté : 250 jeunes de la diversité sexuelle se révèlent

Cet ouvrage pédagogique vise à offrir au personnel enseignant des stratégies pour rendre leurs cours plus inclusifs.

Deux garçons et un secret

Album sensible où l'on raconte comment Émile propose à son meilleur ami de se marier avec lui, lorsqu'il trouve une bague dans le carré de sable du parc de son quartier. Une histoire d'amour et d'amitié enfantine.

Et avec Tango, nous voilà trois !

Roy et Silo, deux manchots inséparables qui vivent au zoo de Central Park, adoptent un œuf abandonné et élèvent ensemble le poussin.

Fé verte

Fé se retrouve à la campagne pour l'été de ses 16 ans. Loin de Montréal, loin de ses amis Yan et Lucie et surtout, loin de sa blonde Félixe, qui n'est pas très assidue dans ses textos. 

Le fermier amoureux

Une charmante histoire d'amour dans laquelle les animaux de la ferme s'unissent pour aider un fermier à surmonter son hésitation à exprimer le désir de son cœur.

Le prince et le chevalier

Ce livre illustré raconte l’histoire d’un prince qui tombe en amour avec un chevalier après avoir réalisé qu’il ne voulait pas se marier avec une princesse. 

Modèles recherchés: l'homosexualité et la bisexualité racontées autrement 

Ce livre illustré regroupe des témoignages de personnalités québécoises 2SLGBTQI+.

Mon frère est une fille 

Ce livre écrit par Mariette Théberge, professeure à la Faculté d'éducation de l'Université d'Ottawa, traite de la question de la transidentité. On y suit l'histoire et l'épanouissement d'Oli, un enfant transgenre. 

Princesse Moustache

L'histoire d'une princesse qui repousse toutes les attentes quant à son apparence et qui choisit de vivre selon ses propres termes.