Rebecca J. Lloyd
Rebecca J. Lloyd
Full Professor

LMX 432
613-562-5800 ext. 4152

Rebecca J. Lloyd, full professor and SSHRC-funded InterActive for Life researcher, has developed the Function2Flowconceptual model and the methodology of Motion-Sensing Phenomenology—pathways to research and teach toward the kinesthetic cultivation of flow that she has applied to a variety of contexts such as physical education, teacher education, dance, climbing, hooping, and more recently active aging education. Her current SSHRC-funded partnership project with the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA)explores joy and relational connection in ‘Best in Wellness’ award-winning senior living communities. Multi-modal data gathered from participatory observations, focus groups, and individual interviews from residents, leaders, directors and CEOs of three communities – Splendido in Arizona, Sunnyside in Virginia, and Tapestry in Victoria Harbour, are being analyzed, with guidance from her advisory board, with the goal of inspiring anti-agist, social-emotional changes in active-aging education and programs. 

Follow professor Lloyd on Instagram to see the many ways she experiences the joy of movement in research, Latin dance, and Life!


Professor Rebecca Lloyd is currently accepting e-mail inquiries for graduate student supervision (MA, PhD) in the following research areas:

  • Active Aging Education
  • Phenomenology
  • Physical and Health Education Pedagogy
  • Embodied Teaching and Learning
  • Curriculum-as-Living Experience
  • Interactive Function-to-Flow applications to teaching, fitness, and coaching

Full profile and research connections

Journals & other

Lloyd, R. J. & Smith, S. (2021),  Practical Introduction to Motion-Sensing Phenomenology, Revue phénEPS-PHEnex Journal, 11 (2).

Lloyd, R. J. (2020),The power of interactive flow in salsa dance: a motion-sensing phenomenological inquiry featuring two-time world champion, Anya Katsevman, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13(6), 955-971.

Lloyd, R. J. (2017), The feeling of seeing: Factical life in salsa dance, Phenomenology & Practice, 11, 58-71.

Full list of publications and other scholarly contributions.

Research interests

  • Active Aging
  • Wellness Education
  • Embodied learning, flow and movement consciousness
  • Motion-sensing phenomenology
  • Physical and health education
  • Health-promoting teacher education