Naomi B. ABRAHAMS | Ph.D. Candidate
School of Social Work | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Julie Ynès ADA TCHOUKOU | Ph.D. in Law
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa
Afi Edé ANAHLUI | Ph.D. Candidate
School of Social Work | Faculty of Humanities | Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Diane BE | Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa
Clémence Bensa | Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa
Nathalie BÉLANGER | Full Professor
Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
IRLRC's Steering Committee Member
Director | Social Pediatrics | Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO)
Full Professor | Department of Pediatrics | Faculty of Medicine | University of Ottawa
Emmanuelle BERNHEIM | Professor
Faculty of Law | Civil Law Section | University of Ottawa
Christina CLARK-KAZAK | Associate Professor
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Tara M. COLLINS | Graduate Program Director & Associate Professor
School of Child and Youth Care | Faculty of Community Service | Ryerson University
Valérie P. COSTANZO | Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa
Marilyn COUPIENNE | Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa
Karine CROTEAU | Assistant Professor
School of Social Work | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Viviana FERNANDEZ | Assistant Director
Human Rights Research and Education Centre | University of Ottawa
IRLRC's Steering Committee Member
Paula FORGERON | Full Professor
School of Nursing | Faculty of Health Sciences | University of Ottawa
Elena GALLITTO | Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Psychology | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Stéphanie GAUDET | Full Professor & Director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Citizenship and Minorities (CIRCEM)
School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Christine GERVAIS | Associate Professor
Department of Criminology | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
IRLRC's Steering Committee Member
Michelle GIROUX | Full Professor
Faculty of Law | Civil Law Section | University of Ottawa
Rachel GRONDIN | Retired Professor
Faculty of Law | Civil Law Section | University of Ottawa
IRLRC's founding member
Mark HECHT | Lawyer (The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa) & Part-Time Professor
Faculty of Law | Common Law Section | University of Ottawa
Jean-Frédéric HÜBSCH | Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa
Graciela JASA SILVEIRA | D.C.L., LL.M., LL.B.
Legal Assistant | Office of Legal Affairs | Embassy of Mexico in Canada
Marie-Pier JOLICOEUR | Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law | Université Laval
Andrea KHAN | Ph.D. Candidate
School of International Development and Globalization Studies | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
& Child Protection Specialist | Global Affairs Canada
IRLRC's Steering Committee Member
Simon LAPIERRE | Associate Professor
School of Social Work | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Clara LAPLANTE-BÉDARD | Master Candidate
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa
Anne LEVESQUE | Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law | Common Law Section | University of Ottawa
Amira MAAMERI | Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa & Université de Bordeaux
Kathleen MANION | Associate Professor
School of Humanitarian Studies | Royal Roads University
Nathalie MONDAIN | Associate Professor & Director
School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Bahati MUJINYA | Ph.D. Candidate
Faculty of Law | University of Ottawa & Université de Bordeaux
Mona PARÉ | Vice-Dean Graduate Studies in Law & Full Professor
Faculty of Law | Civil Law Section | University of Ottawa
IRLRC's Founding Member & Director of the IRLRC
Deborah Wendy PARKES | Ph.D. Candidate
School of International Development and Global Studies | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Marie PRATTE | Retired Judge
Cour du Québec | Chambre de la jeunesse | Chambre civile, Hull District
IRLRC's Founding Member
Laurence RICARD | Ph.D. Candidate
Université McGill
Elisa ROMANO | Full Professor
School of Psychology | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Valerie STEEVES | Full Professor
Department of Criminology | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Ottawa
Jens URBAN | Consultant
Tracy VAILLANCOURT | Full Professor
Canada Research Chair in School-Based Mental Health and Violence Prevention
Counselling Psychology | Faculty of Education | University of Ottawa
Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children