Covid 19 virus

Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

The Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology is committed to delivering top tier education to our students as well as providing a dynamic student experience.

We are proud to offer two graduate programs in Biochemistry, and Microbiology and Immunology. We also participate in two collaborative programs, the Human and Molecular Genetics and the Bioinformatics.

The new Honours Bachelor of Science program in Translational and Molecular Medicine (TMM) is also offered since 2016 and is a collaborative effort between the researchers at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine and its affiliate health care institutes.

Our innovative research programs

More than one hundred faculty members conduct research over a broad area of modern biomedical sciences and life sciences. Approximately forty professors (or core members) are located in the Faculty of Medicine at the Health Sciences Building (Roger Guindon). Others are cross appointees from other departments of the Faculty of Medicine and affiliated teaching hospitals, or adjunct members from research institutes and government agencies in the Ottawa area. One uOttawa research center, the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology (OISB) is located within our Department. Multiple University-wide research core facilities have been established, including state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS for proteomics and lipidomics studies, genomics, structural biology (x-ray crystallography), cell imaging, and flow cytometry.

The BMI core members conduct high-quality, collaborative research in areas of Cancer Biology, Structural & Chemical biology, Cell, Genetic & Developmental biology, Brain & Mind, Cardiovascular, Metabolism & Lipid biology, Systems & Computational biology, Viral & Bacterial pathogenesis and Immunology.  Our Department offers a vibrant, dynamic, and highly interactive research and learning environment for trainees at undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral levels.

Researcher peering into a microscope
drawing of a hand holding a smart phone with a woman sitting with with knees pressed against her chest

Wellness Supports

If you are in distress or in a crisis, there are several resources available (by phone or online) that can be found on our website.
The Faculty Wellness Program is here to support you.

Contact us

Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
451 Smyth Road, room 4103
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1H 8M5

Tel.: 613-562-5459
Email: [email protected]


Please note for any questions relating to Biochemistry or Microbiology graduate studies admissions, registration (local or international), course prerequisites, finding a thesis supervisor, please contact [email protected] or call 613-562-5215, or 1-877-868-8292 extension 5215.