Mathematics (MAT) is much more than numbers and formulae! It is a highly creative field of study that marries precision with intuition and imagination with logic, to produce problem-solving tools. Advances in mathematics lie behind many discoveries that drive the most current technological innovation. The Honours, Major and Minor in Mathematics provide a fundamental training, while the Joint Honours in Computer Science and Mathematics adds computing skills. For the latter program, admission is through the Faculty of Engineering. Many students do federal government internships and research during their degree. Our programs can be completed in either English, French or a combination of both, a unique offering in Canada.

Program description

Options and suggested course sequences
Explore the detailed suggested course sequenceEnhance with a microprogram
The Microprogram in Science Entrepreneurship provides an introduction to business management, new venture creation and entrepreneurship that will allow you to take a new scientific idea to market. It also includes a course on creativity and innovation, and a fourth year capstone course specifically dealing with commercializing a scientific product.
Microprogram in Science Entrepreneurship program requirements