Indigenous Action Plan

Creating belonging for Indigenous students

University Of Ottawa Fund In Support Of The Indigenous Action Plan
Creating an environment that reflects, enhances, includes and supports Indigenous culture and peoples on campus
Indigenous students sitting outside, on campus.

The University of Ottawa sits on a special place – it is the traditional territory of the Algonquin people and meeting grounds for First Nations who gathered for meetings and ceremony.

In the Algonquin language, the word Mamawi means together. Together, with your support, we can advance reconciliation and create true belonging for Indigenous students.  

Brenda Macdougall
Chair of Métis Research

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to change the lives of Indigenous students and support their development as Canada’s leaders.”

Brenda Macdougall

— Academic Delegate for Indigenous Engagement

This is a historic opportunity to get in on the ground floor of reconciliation and support the University’s Indigenous Action Plan. Your gift will:

Mona Tolley, indigenous curriculum expert

Build strength

Increase the number of Indigenous professors, post-graduate and graduate students, the change-makers of tomorrow, and support research and outreach projects that will build and strengthen connections with Indigenous communities.

A sculpture by Mohawk and Oneida artist David General, entitled She dances with the earth, water and sky,

Build belonging

Strengthen the role of Mashkawazìwogamig, the University’s Indigenous Resource Centre (IRC), Indigenize curriculums and programs and help professors and staff deepen their cultural competence.

Jacques Frémont with beadwork gift

Build connections

Respectfully engage Indigenous Elders and community members who continue to guide the University and fund research with community partners that builds capacity and addresses challenges such has housing and clean water.

Darren Sutherland
Indigenous Engagement

“Belonging is more than numbers or structures. It is an experience, a feeling, a sense of safety. Our goal is to ensure that the Indigenous community feels that here.”

Darren Sutherland

— Indigenous Community Engagement Officer

Get in touch

Development Office

190 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, ON Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: +1 613-562-5800 ext. 3417
Toll-free: +1 888-352-7222
[email protected]

Our Canadian charitable registration number is 11927 8877 RR0001